My problem is that I can't understand ppl without technical brain part, so my relationships usually start very quickly to produce lot of wtf?, then usually if I manage to somehow settle my brain a bit it may be possible to reach 2nd date but usually in there comes this very big WTF?!? Is she some kind of idiot with IQ of ameba? Usually things tend to end rather quickly after that as I'm not too good to hide it, something slips out from my mouth and well, end of story
Would be nice to have girl that actually can understand what is difference od clockwise and counterclockwise, what is practical and what is not and so on, but as woman brain has been build from completely different parts, there is no way that I could find something called love and happiness.
Or maybe I'm just having autumn depression, LOL
Well, actually being single is much better, you can do whatever you wan't whenever you wan't - working time = almost freedom
O/T would like = want or wan't or something else? Sorry