I just love that video tutorial witch helped me alot!! But now I have 2 problems and I don't know how to fix them.
Problem 1: If I add background to scene it make's my car allmost transparent. Don't know how to fix it... If I change render options Lumna server settings to Transparent shadows and Use enviroment settings. It makes render allmost perfect but it's add white ground and loose the enviroment jpg ground.
Problem 2: If I add new objects like box or someting and make the render at night mode (Envirmonet background color black) All the new objects makes very bad noise to image.
How I fix these thing??? I can send images if u guys didin't understand me
Sorry my bad english
I just love that video tutorial witch helped me alot!! But now I have 2 problems and I don't know how to fix them.
Problem 1: If I add background to scene it make's my car allmost transparent. Don't know how to fix it... If I change render options Lumna server settings to Transparent shadows and Use enviroment settings. It makes render allmost perfect but it's add white ground and loose the enviroment jpg ground.
Problem 2: If I add new objects like box or someting and make the render at night mode (Envirmonet background color black) All the new objects makes very bad noise to image.
How I fix these thing??? I can send images if u guys didin't understand me

Sorry my bad english