Rolled EVO - LFS has pretty good damage modelling after all!
He was doing pretty well up until then, simple case of taking too much speed on entry and not anticipating the bumps. I love how he trys to start the car, he must of taken a few hits to the head to try that
Bit like Monty Python - "I'm fine, it's just a flesh wound."

Rule seems to be - NEVER run an incar camera if you don't want the world to laugh at u !
bet hes glad that its got a roll cage. Looked quite violent but they always do.
#7 - JTbo
Lifted or braked as it started to slide perhaps?

He says 'I'm okay', but certainly he was not, asking what I did hit when he rolled it few times, quite beating it takes to get rear of car get so much shorter.

Cage was good as well other safety equipment, could have been worse without those.
Quote from JTbo :

Cage was good as well other safety equipment, could have been worse without those.


COULD have???
#9 - JTbo
Quote from Sketchyrollin564 ::uglyhamme

COULD have???

It is perfectly possible that without cage, helmet etc. he would walked away just same.

Looks bad? Well no serious injuries.
Quote from JTbo :It is perfectly possible that without cage, helmet etc. he would walked away just same.

But a heck of a lot shorter/thinner
Quote from JTbo :It is perfectly possible that without cage, helmet etc. he would walked away just same.

Looks bad? Well no serious injuries.

For every pic like that you can show me with no serious injuries, I could show you at least three with serious injuries or fatalities People do walk away from wrecks like that, but people also die in wrecks that don't look nearly that bad....
Okay now everybody lets starting to build rollcages in cars! hehe, a normal family car with full rollcage..
Not such a stupid idea - seen enought accidents that wouldn't have been fatal if there had been a roll cage.

But then again, here (NZ) anyway racing harnesses are illegal for road use, you must have a legal 3 point to use the car on the road.
All in the interests of road safety - apparently people would be incapable of seeing the release & be unable to release the harness if you are trapped in the car.

Neat looking crash, can't blame the driver for that one! Thank god he didn't hurt himself.
We need sand to flip cars in LFS...of course, we need more sand around the tracks first.
looks like he didn't even try to correct it too much... he only applied a little bit of opposite lock.
anyway nasty shunt
#17 - JTbo
Quote from Michael Denham :For every pic like that you can show me with no serious injuries, I could show you at least three with serious injuries or fatalities People do walk away from wrecks like that, but people also die in wrecks that don't look nearly that bad....

Of course you can, but that is just to show that it could be also possible without roll cage, as Sketchyrollin564 seemed to have difficulties to believe such option being possible.

I have been technically dead, but they managed to kick start my heart, I do have some insight to accidents really. Sometimes car may look almost fine, but it is just how odds are if you walk away or not.
ouch illepall
Man, luckily he had a rollcage or he would have been a pancake =)
ive known a chap that put his porsche turbo 5 times end over end in 82 and walked away and a customer who decided to wipe out a wall and 2 trees in his wifes 911 at 85 mph and only suffer a stiff back / neck.

on the other hand a mate was killed when he crashed his escort into a wall, police accident report said he was doing about 20mph when he hit but was unlucky enough to hit head on door pillar
Sounds like he wasn't wearing his seatbelt.
#22 - JTbo
Quote from Viper93 :Sounds like he wasn't wearing his seatbelt.

Actually it can be that guy that hit wall at 20mph did wear his seatbelt, but as seatbelt tensioners are relatively new, there could be very well some loose or then when moving backwards after seatbelt has stopped body moving forwards head hit B-pillar.

Those seatbelt tensioners do really a lot in modern car, idea is bit same as multi point harness, where body is not allowed to move so it does not gain momentum, so stress to your body is much less.

I had seatbelt on as I was passenger seat in our Opel Kadett (old rwd) when that rolled, but surely I remeber how I slipped away from seatbelt as it was so loose, after that can't remember a thing, waked up after few weeks in hospital.
Quote from JTbo :Actually it can be that guy that hit wall at 20mph did wear his seatbelt, but as seatbelt tensioners are relatively new, there could be very well some loose or then when moving backwards after seatbelt has stopped body moving forwards head hit B-pillar.

Those seatbelt tensioners do really a lot in modern car, idea is bit same as multi point harness, where body is not allowed to move so it does not gain momentum, so stress to your body is much less.

I had seatbelt on as I was passenger seat in our Opel Kadett (old rwd) when that rolled, but surely I remeber how I slipped away from seatbelt as it was so loose, after that can't remember a thing, waked up after few weeks in hospital.

Hmm thats very possible =)

I find it very funny that people will go with a the aftermarket 3 and 4 point harness systems for their cars when they don't have a rollcage most of them don't work the greatest and the best option for anyone using their daily driver on a track should consider a CG-lock that locks the lap belt in tight while keeping the shouler loose =)

The best restraints for a car without a rollcage hands down is the factory seatbelts, at least in the newer cars =)
#24 - JTbo
Quote from Viper93 :Hmm thats very possible =)

I find it very funny that people will go with a the aftermarket 3 and 4 point harness systems for their cars when they don't have a rollcage most of them don't work the greatest and the best option for anyone using their daily driver on a track should consider a CG-lock that locks the lap belt in tight while keeping the shouler loose =)

The best restraints for a car without a rollcage hands down is the factory seatbelts, at least in the newer cars =)

In newer cars sure, but in older cars it is insane amount they have loose even you have pulled it tight. with good racing harness and remounted stronger seat you will get better safety as body won't gain too much movement energy, but really seat must be mounted again, those stock welds and seats are ridiculous really, it is no fun when seat fails even belt would work.

There is also other accident types than rolling, where roll cage is not in so big role, it will strengthen body of car, but usually safety structures keep passenger section quite well intact.
Of course in enough bad accident passenger section will deform quite a bit and racing harness can be really harmful, but quite rare.
Also roll cage does not do miracles, it will add some strength, but it is not indestructible, even in quite slow roll over it is changing shape a bit.

6 or 8 point harness is requirement now for racing here, can't remember if 8 point is already what they are requiring. It is almost every season you have to get everything new as they change rules a bit, bit overkill.
ohh yes I didn't mean to say that rollcages are the end all be all of safety gear. They do help but they don't protect 100% I was just refering to what you stated about factory seats in older vehicles and probably in some of the newer ones aswell not having enough bonding done to prevent the seat from moving and flexing =)

The newer cars should be ok though and shouldn't have too much of a problem. It's just that without a CG-lock under heavy Gforces like braking you can slide forward in the belt a bit decreasing your ability to drive the vehicle. I notice this in my car when I am under heavy brakes... I am using the deadpedal to keep myself in the seat and not concentrating on braking as much =)

Still I think for cars without a rollcage the best safety you could get restraint wise is the factory equiped 3 point belt. Once you get a rollcage you can properly mount a racing harness without posing much of a risk of falling out of the harness under stresses, IE like a crash =)