Oh yes, indeed, newer cars do have better welding because they have these seatbelt tensioners, seat airbags etc. Some even have seats that react before accident.
In older cars before new improvements to seat belts, seat mounts were just spot welded and was common that in harder accidents those welds did fail, also seat's structure was weaker and that did fail so one have to hope that accident was really just one hit.
Really had to google what the heck is that CG-Lock he keeps mentioning

My lap times suffers greatly because of 3 things, 1st one is that I'm not staying on that bloody chair, even I use left foot to push myself hard cornering forces are still too much that I could stay on chair, on straights I try to get back to seat and pull seatbelt tight and same thing after every corner. Better seat would really help. Won't even think about what would happen in case of accident. Anyway that is keeping me away from getting good cornering performance.
Then there are brakes (fading after few hard braking) and inside rear lifting and thus not accelerating car, well 4.8 turns from lock to lock also, but that is not real issue when looking lap time.