The online racing simulator
XFR/UFR League Season 2
(97 posts, started )
Quote from kalle :Yes it was. But if you live in eastern part of Europe then hour or two hour later starting time wouldn't be that good (if work/school starts early).

We have reached the 20 sign up line. So if one more signs up we will have pre qualifying in form of hotlapping. Everyone have to do hotlap time on Blackwood GP and Aston National tracks (using the same car as one will be using during the season). The hotlaps should be uploaded to the LFS World. Deadline is November 1st 12:00 CET. Drivers who names are in green in first post are qualified already.

What if somebody else doesn't Join? Do we still have to upload hotlap? Well you let us know if we pass the 20 driver stage?

Quote from Fordman :What if somebody else doesn't Join? Do we still have to upload hotlap? Well you let us know if we pass the 20 driver stage?

Then all those 20 in first thread are in and no then there is no need for hotlap.
Quote from Fordman : Well you let us know if we pass the 20 driver stage?

I'll be mailing everyone on that Tuesday (1st November) afternoon are they in or out. And of course I'll say about it in this thread too
Glad to hear it A few more UFR driver this time round.........goinna be a fun packed season......oh and I installed new bulbs in my hazzard lights!
What do i have to do now? Just practice?
Quote from Lucasinio :What do i have to do now? Just practice?

Well practicing is always good You might have to do the 2 hotlap times, Blackwood and Aston Nat. But still no need for them, no more than 20 sign ups atm.
I must be going blind, I went and did hotlaps on Blackwood and Kyoto National! I spent a good 2 hours on Kyoto aswell! hah I'm an idiot. Oh well, practice is practice.
Sign up for Season 2 has now ended. The entrylist can be founded here
#33 - vtx
Can you change VTX to T7R|VTX?


(Richard Torp also misses his T7R tag btw)
Whoo I am excited. my first ever league

What time is 20.00 CET is that like 7.00 UK time?
Quote from vrooom :Whoo I am excited. my first ever league

What time is 20.00 CET is that like 7.00 UK time?

This could be helpfull in not coming late :

No password for me yet...will you please send it to me..
No password for me either .

See you soon....

Kalle, we have the password, but Gopher tells me it doesn't work.
Aye, password is wrong...

please bear with me when racing, my first time in league tonight
Quote from Fordman :Kalle, we have the password, but Gopher tells me it doesn't work.

I havent yet changed it. I'll change it few mins time

EDIT now it should be ok
Someone wanted the sprint race replay
Attached files - 1.6 MB - 230 views
I was not no 4 in main race i was no 7....
Quote from kalle :Someone wanted the sprint race replay

It was I, thanks!

#44 - vtx
Just wanted to say that I had fun

Looking forward to next week!
I missed the Season 2 opener...Couldn't be helped......I will be in next week.
Who won?
Quote from Richard Torp :I was not no 4 in main race i was no 7....

Yeah I know. The stats app gives wrong result for some reason. The points standings are however calculated with the correct result

Oh and AtomAnt, Peter Hum took double win
Im sorry that i had to disconnect at the race, but im having personal
problems at the mo, so i just couldnt concentrate.
-even though FE Green is one of my favorit tracks

hope i feel better at the next race

Can you contact me on MSN please before tonight's event.


Why not show up for the race?? Hallooooooooooo .
If you cant join the race please tell us about it. We could then invite some other people!!!!! Why did you sign up in first place?? Hallooooooo

Bo had a very good reason (edit: and a few others), but what are the reason for the rest? We were 20 drivers at the deadline. I think it was 12 who showed up tonight!!
Quote from Richard Torp :Why not show up for the race?? Hallooooooooooo .
If you cant join the race please tell us about it. We could then invite some other people!!!!! Why did you sign up in first place?? Hallooooooo

Bo had a very good reason, but what are the reason for the rest? We were 20 drivers at the deadline. I think it was 12 who showed up tonight!!

Yes, Halloooo?

But tonight's results are up and Stocky (Elite Squad) takes the lead in the overall standings thanks to his surprise win at Kyoto National

XFR/UFR League Season 2
(97 posts, started )