The online racing simulator
Whats your driving style?
(78 posts, started )
Fast in, arms-flailing-rearend-sliding out
#27 - Osco
sometimes too cautious, as clean as possible, wish i were more consistent tho..
I'm a bit of a experimentor kinda guy and risky I'd say, I usually dont have same lines troughout the whole race or brake points, they change all the time
My driving style is very smooth but quite aggressive. I dont like to make too many unecessary wheel movements to correct the car. Everything has to be setup right and if it is then I am fast and smooth. Consistency in my lap times is very good when the car is working right.
If we are talking about the XRT then understeering into corners and oversteering them out lol. I do have moments of brilliance at some cornes where the car does neither but they are rare lol.
Cautious and not aggressive. I like to brake early and my cornering lines are very technical, by the book like in real life; brake, turn in, at the apex initiate throttle. A specialty of mine is to get behind a driver and put pressure on them until they are so engrossed in looking at their rear mirrors they brake late, go wide, and I pass. It is very easy to pick out the ones who cannot handle pressure, you see it in their reactions.
My driving is smooth in the xrt but when i put my foot down early out of the corner the back flicks out so you need quick reactions out of the corner. so im not really a big fan of the xrt
My driving style is slow and clumsy, punctuated with little disasters.
i try to be as consistant as i can, taking the same lines.

when it comes to overtaking ppl i tend to just wait till its dead easy to pass.. i never really attack racers. i do try keep it clean but sometimes mistakes happen.
#36 - JTbo
How could I know what is my style, I just drive and try to do that with most efficient way = minimizing amount of control inputs needed to navigate car around corners
I like a bit oversteery car.
But that doenst mean i can always control it
Sometimes i play agressive with my team mates, i really dont want to cause disaster with other ppl i dont know so well
I need a lot of practice
I found that small races can not be good to develop proper race craft, i suck in longer races

@ keithano: boas, é sempre bom saber que anda ai mais um tuga a dar trabalho aos camones
Quote from thisnameistaken :My driving style is slow and clumsy, punctuated with little disasters.

same here but add my pro flailing arms technique whenever im on 720°
My style depends very much on how I feel at that specific day. Usually it's a mix between passive and aggressive driving, depending on the situation and the current opponent.

In tight packs with multiple cars involved I'm usually overly cautious, quite often costing me a few places at T1 when I'm in midfield. It's not so much a problem having someone in front and behind, but the being in the middle with two cars beside me puts me into accident avoidance mode immediately. In such situations, I tend to be considerably slower than would be possible grip-wise, simply to give me more room for error.

During racing it depends on my current level compared to the other racers. If I'm new to a server and/or track/car combo, then I don't put up much of a fight and let people through rather easily. After a few races I start to notice who is over, at and below my level, which pretty much dictates my behaviour when I'm trying to pass someone or when I'm being passed.

Someone who is much faster won't need a long time to pass me anyway, but I won't defend very much either. If someone's at my level, then my car will get pretty broad as long as he's behind me. Should it happen that a racer quite obviously below my level is approaching, due to an freak error on my side or because I was slowed down by other means, then my car will be especially broad.

In the rare occasion I approach someone faster than me I'll usually not try to pass as long as his slowness was temporary. If it turns out he's permanently slower, either due to damage/heat reasons or outside-of-LFS influences, I will of course leave that sucker in a trail of dust . Equally skilled drivers I usually try to make nervous by hanging on their tail centimetres away - however, while I'm doing this I'll also start braking for corners extra early to avoid unnecessary accidents. Nudges do happen here and there, but none of them are intentional and I do my best to avoid them while still keeping up the pressure. Same goes for slower drivers, though I might be more bold in my statements. Suicide dives will be avoided at all costs (if I notice my move would be one), though I will not hesitate to fake them, as some people will give room through the corner afterwards. On the other hand, if someone is suicide diving me, I will make sure to leave as little room as possible.

On my general driving style, well of course I try to be fast - with varying success. Some corners I figure out quickly, others go well (or not) randomly. Even if I manage to get a good line through a corner during a session, it often takes me ages to consciously notice what I'm doing wrong/right, so on the next session I might do a lot worse on that corner again.

In conclusion:
I usually stay pretty consistant (or try to at least), and rarely push my car to the edge of what it can do, unless I'm running in a Rallye-X race, or a run around SO Sprint2 Rev. I like to keep the pressure on whatever racer is in front of me, but I do respect him/her enough to brake a bit earlier to avoid nudging them wide. When I am in the mood to push my car to its limit, however, I drive aggressively, but still try to make enough room on the course for other drivers. If blue flagged, I make an effort to let the faster cars through safely. If there's wreckers, I try to stay out of their way as much as possible, they'll get dealt with. And, the only time T1 is a problem, is when I get hit from behind by an overzealous competitor. Never have been a backmarker, but am usually a midfielder or make podium. I enjoy a good door to door race, and rarely fold under pressure (I generally go a little wide if my tires are too worn to hold the guy behind me off for the rest of the race, so I'll give him the position, or if my tires are just too worn to maintain the speed I'd like to around the corner :schwitz. Have fun guys, and clean races!
Quote from Shotglass :same here but add my pro flailing arms technique whenever im on 720°

I've stopped doing the steering wheel kung fu action until I can get a bigger diameter wheel and a sturdier desk. I got sick of having to wipe up spilt tea.
after a week without playing you will find yourself having to learn again until you get that ohhhh thats how it was done!
on topic i drive defensive online for the first few laps/corners, if its with friends then im always pushing and trying to cause mistakes if i dont mess it up myself
I just drive

I drive very aggressivly, but i keep it clean. I throw the car round corners, especially in the XFR. Thats an awesome car to push to its limits.
Mine is very bad I always destroy my tires very easy. I'm very dirty xD
Cautious, I most often get in trouble when braking too early and the car behind me doesn't expect it! Sometimes I get a touch agressive, then I crash and go back to cautious, lol.

On STCC1 I mostly get mid-field despite having the slowest lap times ... I guess that means I'm consistent.
At the start, I take it very lightly, as I usually only get 5-10 FPS at the grid, even against one person. Then, when it spaces out, I take the turns very smoothly, but when I start to oversteer, I tend to jerk the wheel.
Im the one who brakes front of you in corner exit :fence3d:
i use alot of track, likei do on my bikes. but i also love to take little shortcuts.
I Drive Relaxed and calm, i usually try to be consistent as i can, not too aggressive, i may crash here and their, usually when I'm pushing the limits of the vehicle, other than that, i keep to a pace that I'm comfortable with.

Whats your driving style?
(78 posts, started )