Crazy track crazy music… even I don’t like that song it’s a good match.
Well always there are ups and downs…
For me there are only downs lol at the first event I had terrible lag and I retired from the first corner… now I started first at pool2, meshed up the first bend, slowing me down me about 5km/h making others to be able to overtake from right, making me take wrong line cause I didn’t want any contact and then woops.. too close at the first “hairpin” the friendly bump I had from behind was unavoidable destroying my suspension… I got owned… finished last.
The only think I can blame is the shity internet network we have here in Greece… still based on telephone lines… Sο the fastest way is dsl but with extremely low packets per sec rates from almost every isp…
That’s for apologies if I slowed down some of you in pool2…because I didn’t hit anyone.
Great movie as always mask