The online racing simulator
There is a problem, got the reminder abot 22h to early

When it show's just the races I'm in it would be stupid, cause it's a nice way to see whats going on in the LFS World and a good way to find interesting stuff and for new leagues to figure when to place a new event.
Quote from joshdifabio :I can't give an ETA but hopefully me and my good friend Misan will have something online within a few weeks. Personally i don't think the forum calendar is much use with regards to the aforementioned idea, as it lacks filters and generally hasn't been designed for the job at hand. As i said though, it could take a while to get to something public, as we are building an entirely new website for our team and for the league that we run.

Thanks, Josh

Josh, I'd be interested in hearing/seeing a little of what your planning with this, i already have a race event calender which works nicely as far as im concerned, however with all information needed to be added manually its obviously a lot of work going round and finding this information as Misko (i think) mentioned regarding the Cyber race calender.
A central location which could out-source that data would be ideal though, allowing the same sort of thing this forum has, but allowing that data to be accessed by anyone requesting it, and obviously that cant and wont be done from a forums database.

I dont know if your planning something along these lines, or something a little simpler with better filtering of events, but i'd be interested to know if only to know thats not something your looking at so i could look into doing something like this in a few months time once i've finished my current project.

I like the fact that the Today's Event bar has been moved to the top of the page. It seems like the Calendar did pick up after all?
Yes good idea. If anyone is wondering, me and Misan have mostly completed the frame of our website so I will probably be working on a calendar asap, and hopefully I can get to something useful online soon for a little test.
Reply to the topicstarter:

It seems like a good idea to me, even though I'm not active in any league. I do have one interesting suggestion which I think a lot of people might have a think about...

What about setting up continental leagues that are open to absolutely everyone, but having to sign up to the league and each individual race for registration.

I had in mind that these leagues would run from January through till December. That means that when someone's league has finished they can join this whenever they want, but perhaps limiting the amount of races one person can attend so you don't constantly have the same people.

Instead of announcing the winner by who has the most points in total you should calculate the winner by dividing races joined by points gained.
Well, I've been pretty slow at getting something together, and now it may be that there isn't any real demand for this. Anyway, I have set up a database on the spdoRacing website and have written some scripts to allow people to view future league races and add to the database in a fairly intuitive manner.

It is currently still in developement but I was hoping that I could get some feedback, before I finalise everything. It would be great if people could add some event data themselves so that I can see if the forms are easy enough to understand, whether I should add more options etc.

Currently, events can only be added to the database if they are part of a league. Tomorrow I will probably add the ability to create one off events. I will also be adding some filters to the pages soon, as well as the ability to edit events.

The URL is

To add something to the database you will first need to register on the site, this is just to prevent spamming or abuse of the database, any additions to the database are logged.

I have put quite a lot of time into this, so please give me some feedback. Positive or negative, as long as it is constructive!

Edit: To navigate the event database section you should use the navbar at the top of the page. There may be some issues with the menu in Internet Explorer, I will fix them asap.

Good to see you went ahead and did this project

The first thing that strikes me is the multiple references to the same event, because its a seperate session, its kinda cluttered IMO.
Im guessing the reason you've opted for this is because of rounds having sessions spread over multiple dates (ie qualifying on sat, race on sun) would it not be better to only show these sessions if qualDate <> raceDate just so that events like BOTT dont have 3 listings for the same round.
Possibly even link to more detailed information for that event to show the full event schedule for that round.

Meh, ok smartarse, scrap the above :P
Then may i suggest the default appearance is 'events' as thats much easier on the eye IMO

Adding information looks a little complicated, could just be me though. I would feel much more comfortable trying things if i could see a simple way of editting and deleting information which was added that happened to be wrong, especially when trying to figure out what needs to go where.
I do like the 'interactive' aspect of it giving you existing data from the db but as i say it feels a little confusing but it wouldnt bother me so much if i knew what i was doing could be fixed if it was wrong.

I'd say the only issue im having is with confidence, i'd play/mess till i got it right if i knew i could do that, right now i dont want to try something i dont fully understand, so if this was considered final i'd be looking for better instructions so i got it right every time or somewhere i could see i can fix any mistakes (as well as make any alterations if need be later down the line).

Very impressive though, and i'd be interested in knowing if either the db and/or code would be going public, as i mentioned a few posts back its a pain in the rear having to manually enter all the dates in yourself, if there was somewhere central where these dates could be put (much like the calendar here) and everyone could use that site as a source for their own website it'd be real nice.
Thanks for the lengthy feedback paul, I really appreciate it.

I agree that the session view might look a little messy, I have made the event view the default now. Tomorrow, when I add sorting and filtering on the 'View ...' pages I think I will be able to clear them up a bit. Maybe I will add the option to only show the next round from each league as well.

If the site gets used, I do aim to make it possible for people to access the database for use on their own sites. That may have to wait until we change web servers though as we have had some real stability issues with the current host of late.

Please feel free to try adding to the database though, I backed up the whole event database before I made it public, and I can fix any mistakes myself for now. Tomorrow I will hopefuly make editing possible for everyone.

With regards to the complexity of adding to the database, I have tried to make it intuitive. However, when you are designing something yourself, I find it's hard to tell whether or not it's easily understandable, as you obviously know what everything does. I think I will add a clickable (?) next to all of the inputs, which will show a popup explaining what the given input means. If you have any other suggestions regarding this, please share them .

To anyone who would like to help, please try and add to the database, I really don't mind if you mess up, it's easily fixable. Infact, if people do make mistakes it will be helpful, since I will be able to see if it breaks anything in the outputs.

Edit: I'm also planning on making it possible to click names of leagues, seasons, events etc and bring up a page with detailed information regarding that given database entry.
Well, I don't know if anyone is really interested, but I have done a lot more work on this over the past few days.

There is now a lot more information viewable for leagues, events etc. It is also possible to edit database entries now which is obviously useful.

Please feel free to add some stuff to the database and don't worry about making mistakes, it's easily correctable.
There are lots of leagues which I haven't added, the idea is that everyone adds them to the database .
Can put that a bit easier. Takes a lot of time to set up a whole legaue. Maybe in the event window an option how many races and then in the session window the possibility to fill in all the dates.
Quote from tomylee :Can put that a bit easier. Takes a lot of time to set up a whole legaue. Maybe in the event window an option how many races and then in the session window the possibility to fill in all the dates.

I plan to include an additional way of adding to the database soon, for people who want to add lots of sessions / events at once. One of the pages seems to be broken, I'll try and fix that now...

Edit: I don't really understand why that error was occuring, but I've solved it now.
#65 - MR_B
I hadn't even seen this thread, may I suggest changing the title to "Brand New LFS Event Database" ? or something like that...

Quote from tomylee :You did forget the DTM

ah yes, the illegal use of FIA
Well, I haven't made my own thread yet. I was gonna wait until there is some more data in the database .
Well, Sun Force Cup is in. I think, that this is pretty good project. Nice design and good system inside