Sorry if this has been asked before, but i didnt feel like reading through 53 pages

So i currently have a DFP, which i love. I want the G25 sooooooooo bad, because of the gated shifter, and the clutch pedal. However, i do like the buttons on the DFP better. With the G25, theres two buttons (not including paddles). Look left, and look right. So what about the horn? What about looking Behind?
THe other buttons i use on my DFP arent really that important.
I have up arrow as horn, down as look back, and left/right to look left/right.
Triangle is headlights, square is to zoom out, and circle is to zoom in.
L2 is clutch, and R2 is handbrake, but i wouldnt really need that, since the G25 comes with it.
I guess two buttons would be enough, but i do prefer the button config on my DFP
SOOoooo, on with my question.
Would it be possible to switch the wheel of the G25 with the DFP wheel?