The online racing simulator
Got any pets?
(32 posts, started )
that is 1 fantastic looking kitten there m8 - whats he/she called then?

here is pic of 'our shaggy' she is the queen of the house. I have a kitten clled 'sparkle' but not got pics yet.

Pets FTW
My fiancee named her Maddie. She's a Calico and very ornery! But we love her :-)

She likes to read the LFS forums also
I have a dog and two rabbits. My dog is a mix of about five different types of dog. He's nearly 6 years old and he's called Merlin. He used to be mad when he was younger but he's calmed down now, I wonder if it was the running full-pelt into the backdoor that made him calm down a bit...

One rabbit is a dwarf lop-ear I think. He's pretty friendly unless you go in his space (his hutch) or pick him up. The other is a nice and calm bunny, I'm not sure what type he is.

I have about 20 of these in my appartement, I love 'em, they love me.
I tried giving them names but something tells me it's another one everytime I see one.
They're not very good friends with my occasional grasshopper, mosquitos and spider.. but hey, bugs can go anywhere.
We have two cats and I used to have a sister but that one moved out. The black and white one is called Rakker, and was missing for the last two days, got locked up somewhere, turned up again tonight speeding towards her cat food. Probably got locked up somewhere.

The other one is called Tijger. They both are pretty scared cats, they don't like to be pet, unless they come and ask for it, typical cats.
Attached images
afbeelding (6).jpg

Got any pets?
(32 posts, started )