There's always a solution with Linux if you can be bothered finding it. Most people want to spend time getting the thing done that they sat in front of it to do. That's why Windows is more widely used - it's easier to use for Joe Public. Apple macs? Don't worry about doing something productive - consume! Consume more!
No one operating system is "best" - it's what's "best for you". Consider three ways of programming your VCR to record a TV program:
* Enter a single Videoplus number that'll record the program at roughly the right time.
* Spend five minutes entering the times in the manufacturer's proprietary method that you have to learn first, then for the first few times find out you got the channel/am or pm setting wrong, but after that it'll be spot on most of the time.
* Don't worry about video - listen to some music from iTunes!
Guess which equates to which operating system.