The online racing simulator
How old are you?
(634 posts, closed, started )
20 in... December!
#78 - JTbo
Quote from Forbin :Slightly O/T:

How old do you think I look?

This question is open to everyone.

I'm really bad with these, 24?
Quote from Forbin :Slightly O/T:

How old do you think I look?

This question is open to everyone.

18/ 19, but if you are anything like me you are probably 29 or somewhere close

The average guess at my age from a stranger usually comes in at 14-15.
I can still get away with a kids ticket on the train if I really want to, but on the flip side I always have to bust out my 'gormless mug card' (driving licence) to get a pint :rolleyes:
#80 - ekze
15 ^_^
Quote from Forbin :Slightly O/T:

How old do you think I look?

This question is open to everyone.

I would guess 22.
According to I will die at Saturday, November 13, 2083! I will become almost 93 years old! 79 years to go....
20yr old reporting in.
Quote from Forbin :How old do you think I look?

im 18 but still get asked on busses if i want a child fare (child fare is for 15 year olds...) and i never get into any pubs witout ID
Yesterday I was still 19.
But now I´m 20 years OLD.

Im 21

Once in a resturant they have asked my brother if he could read already. He ws like 16 or 17 then rofl
Quote from Sk0rp :Yesterday I was still 19.
But now I´m 20 years OLD.

wow do u age 1 human year in 1 day? u only have 50 days to live better enjoy them!
16 atm turning 17 this december, still waiting for that 18 mark when'll be able to drive a car legaly. Death clock says i'll live to be 99 so a lot of years to go till 2087
(szyszek) DELETED by szyszek
Im turning 19 in December too! what is it with sim racers and december :S
I'm 19 next May. The last 3 years have gone so quick I have trouble beliving it Dread to think in 18 months I'll be 20
Quote from Hyperactive :My Personal Day of Death is...

Sunday, August 2, 2026

And I'll be almost 45 then...Makes me think though, wonder S3 is out by then, dynamic weather, perfect physics modelling andmmmmhh...

If I was born in December, month later, I'd live 9 years longer illepall

And if I was optimistic, I'd live to 2069, 40 years longer!

And if I was woman, I'd die on Saturday, December 7th, 2030. So sex change is an option, maybe I'll wait till 2029 and see it then

Im about 5,840 days old and to think how many days I went without lfs! Oh my thats more than half my life and thats already a short life I've lived! Some here have lived twice that than me! Question!? Whats it like to live so long? haha Thats Age 16 on September 14th :-D
Quote from Simon Savage :Im turning 19 in December too! what is it with sim racers and december :S

18 in December, evidentally december is tEh beStEst month to be born
Quote from Anarchi-H :18/ 19, but if you are anything like me you are probably 29 or somewhere close

Quote from geeman1 :16?

I asked a couple of 16 year old girls over the summer and their response was similar, about 17-18. Main reason why I asked here.

Anarchi-H, you're closest. I'm actually just about a month younger than you. April 12, 1985.

BTW, if your avatar's any indication, I can see how people might think you're really young.
24, 25 in july
Quote from jtr99 :35. If LFS had been around 20 years ago my chances of finishing high school would have been slim.

Sad but true.
It's the same I think everytime I sit on the wheel X_D

BTW, I'm a 31-years-old-family-father-who-has-to-negotiate-to-drive-LFS-nearly-everyday
Quote from Forbin :BTW, if your avatar's any indication, I can see how people might think you're really young.

Ehehe, yeah... thats me about a week ago.
I've been told its the lack of fluff on my face that makes me look so young.
#99 - Gunn
Quote from DasKlee :31 in december - seems like quite a lot of us celebrate their birthdays in december...

Santa Claus is not the only one who comes at Christmas time....
Lol! Good one gunn.
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How old are you?
(634 posts, closed, started )