Alright, I have been racing on the STCC 1b server for quite awhile now since they changed the main car to the UF1. No one thought it would be fun, till they tried it that is. Then it is supppperrrr fun lol. I think it would be a great idea to start up a uf1 racing league, much like the UFR/XFR racing league we all experienced last late fall. I sure hope that someone will help me (mabye) or themselves start up this league. I would like to hear all of your ideas for this league 
Just cause i think of the league doesn't mean I have to run it or be any part of it :P
Doesn't mean I won't be part of it though I just dont know if I can ATM

Just cause i think of the league doesn't mean I have to run it or be any part of it :P
Doesn't mean I won't be part of it though I just dont know if I can ATM