I`m really not one for being negative about something, I`d rather let others have their say, but in this case I`ll try and be sensible and honest.
Apart from my previous piss-take post to point out the obvious, I`d say the skin is far too "busy". It`s plain white, and yet it`s horribly broken up by random images, especially around the front bumper and rear left quarter. There`s also a lot of scaling issues with your images around the sides. Your theme also pays no attention whatsoever to the actual shape of the car. The curves, lines, edges and overall vibe of the body.
If I was to try an identifiable mac skin I`d probably go for a blue, gray or pink gel to white gradient vertically up the sides, or an angled gel coloured front 3rd of the car, to a plain white rear with faded mac logos more in line with their subtle, basic, design philosophy.
Hopefully something positive to work on Zach