So...a good friend of mine worked hard for 16 years, with Bell (that's a phone company) after 16 years, he decides to pack it in and open a bar.
Last night two guys decided they could rob him...My friend put both in the hospital for 3 weeks...let that be a lesson.......never try to steal from someone who wants the money more than you.
They had bats....all he had was him.......he doesn't have a mark on Hisself.<~~~it is a word look it up.
You can get mixers on a hose, and some clubs will have sprites on a hose so there aren't any bottles on show to mess up the karma of the bar. So I'd assume he means one of them.
I guess in Finland he would have gone into jail for that. Not that he did the "right" thing, it is just the bizarre cases here: a man goes to help some woman who is being raped, beats up the rapist and goes to prison for it, only that later his sentence gets undone because of public opinion. Or the other interesting incident, burglars were stealing stuff from a house and the owner of the house scared them away with unloaded huting rifle - only to face the consequences in court .
It is illegal to protect your property, yourself or others in Finland... Luckily you almost never have to Get beaten up or go to jail [/rant]
There are several court cases that prove otherwise. Protecting yourself == running away. Even if it happens inside your own house. I know I say it like you can do nothing but you need to be very careful what you do. In Finland
Granted, I can't invite you to my home and lay in wait to snuff you...but, our town here in Canada...we had 2 killings in 4 weeks...they rated us Murder Capital of all Canada...1704 peeps...two murders.
Drop your money and run...what if the free world fought a war that way.
Kick ass...take names...give them an 8 by 6 ...good night Nurse.
You never played Hockey eh? I clap for Mike...gave some punks the smack down...didn't kill them...but hey...buddy with the nice should you be?
Thanks for not hitting me with the bat...ok stop hitting me with the bat I'm triyng to dail 911........please don't kill me for X amount of far is to far.
Just holding the bat and saying anything naughty will get into trouble with tha officers because it is seen as "illegal threat", direct translation. AAnt, are you a memeber?
By the time you read this, chances are two people will have been murdered
in the Houston Metro area.
LOL a bout I dunno 5 years ago some drunk idiot was trying to get away from the cops. he loses control of his car and flips it over. It goes flying into this lady's yard, hitting a car parked in the driveway, shoving that car into the house. This lady's house is like acroos the street from me, catty cornered on the next block. any ways, We go over to check it out and the cop on the scene is cussing out the guy in the car. He's half in half out of the car whining that his arm is broken. The cop only put the cuff on one arm, be cause the guy's other arm might have been broken seeing that the car flipped and all. Well the lady comes outside and around to the side of the car where the drunk was. He complains to the lady that no one is helping him and is arm is broke. She replies, " really?", then kicks the crap outta him on the arm. "you almost killed me you son of a b****." Look what you did to my house!". She also threatened to kill his ass.
The cop looks over to me & my wife. We were the only people out there just quite yet. He asks us if we saw what happened. Him meaning the lady kicking the guy. We said almost at once, "Nope" and the cop said, " Neither did I".
As for the house. It had the front wall pushed in a bit, but nothing broken.
It's an old frame house. a couple a well placed sledge hits and it was fine.
I dunno about the drunk guy. I don't even know if his arm really was broke.
Let's see.... That... Seeing a dumped body in a ditch, leaving for work... The drive by shooting I posted about... I need to move.