Having Problem with Master Server (AGAIN) [now fixed]
I cannot connect to the master server since about 7 hours. I tried most of the things that we're shown here but still doesn't want to connect. Damn that sucks, I just lost a complete evening trying to fix that thing, help me mates
expletive removed Now that I have a fresh game with V2, I want to unlock my account and is still says that I cannot connect to the master server! What the hell is that!?!?!
It will be your firewall. You must set the rules up to allow the LFS.exe. Otherwise it will be blocking the connection to the master server (i.e the heart of LFS online)
Every test patch you install you will need to re-allow the LFS.exe to connect as the firewall picks up on it being a different .exe.
Le programme n'a pas été en mesure de se connecter au serveur maître.
Ceci peut venir de différentes raisons:
1) Si vous ètes derrière un pare-feu, il se peut que votre connection ait été bloquée. 2) Il se peut qu'il vous soit temporairement impossible de vous connecter au serveur maître à partir de votre fournisseur d'accès internet.
3) Le serveur maître peut ne pas être en train de tourner à cause de problèmes techniques.
Veuillez vérifier l'état et l'addresse IP du serveur maître ici:
ok, so reaching the master shouldn't be the problem.
hmm. Another test :
Open the cmd box again.
Then start LFS and switch to windowed mode (shift-f4)
Try to unlock.
Right after you've tried to unlock, type in your cmd box :
netstat -an
Let me know the results of that command again.
This test is to see what LFS really tries to connect to when you unlock.