The online racing simulator
Health Survey
(13 posts, started )
#1 - aoun
Health Survey
Hey peoples..i just need peoples views on health and physical activity. I want to know peoples veiws from around the world about health. A good 10-15 would be good!

10 Questions, you dont have to be right and look things up, its YOUR own opinion! =).

Thank you soo much in advance, id really apprecitate it!

[b]Question 1: Give your own definition of Health.[/b]
[b]Question 2: In your own words, what is “Physical Activity”?[/b]
[b]Question 3: Give an example of a healthy person.[/b]
[b]Question 4: What are some ways to be physically active?[/b]
[b]Question 5: On a scale of 1-10, how “healthy” would you rate yourself?[/b]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
[b]Question 6: How physically active are you?[/b]
[b]Question 7: What are factors do you think are important to be “healthy”?[/b]
[b]Question 8: Why do you think people Exercise?[/b]
[b]Question 9: If a person is physically fit with a good diet but has low self esteem and doesn’t like to socialise, does that make him healthy?[/b]
[b]Question 10: What factors do you think can affect someone’s good health?[/b]

#2 - nihil
Question 1: Give your own definition of Health.
The ability to see another day through

Question 2: In your own words, what is “Physical Activity”?
Everything (in moderate doses, but sometimes to excess)

Question 3: Give an example of a healthy person.
Iggy Pop

Question 4: What are some ways to be physically active?

Question 5: On a scale of 1-10, how “healthy” would you rate yourself?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Going to sit on the fence for that one - strong enough to have survived major threats, weak from fighting them.

Question 6: How physically active are you?
Every day and in every way I'm getting better and better...

Question 7: What are factors do you think are important to be “healthy”?
Optimism and obstinacy

Question 8: Why do you think people Exercise?
To stave off the inevitable
To compete
To get laid
Not necessarily in that order

Question 9: If a person is physically fit with a good diet but has low self esteem and doesn’t like to socialise, does that make him healthy?

Question 10: What factors do you think can affect someone’s good health?
Relationships with other people
1. Mentally sound, physically fit.
2. Anything that burns calories.
3. I vote for Iggy Pop as well
4. Bike riding, car racing, tennis, anything like that.
5. Smoking knocks me down a few... 7
6. Pretty active. Lots of bike riding
7. Motivation and will power
8. Delaying death, hiding from life, and attracting a mate.
9. No.
10. Mindset (which basically includes everything else) and genetics.
#4 - nihil
Ah, yes, genetics... How can I have omitted that one? Definitely concur.
Question 1: Give your own definition of Health.
Physically - any state where you are able to function to a satisfactory level.
Mentally - where you are content.

Question 2: In your own words, what is “Physical Activity”?
Anything which gets the heart at an above average rate.

Question 3: Give an example of a healthy person.
Some me someone normal and I'll answer this question. I'll let you work out what I mean by this.

Question 4: What are some ways to be physically active?
Moshing / dancing
Sports and gym activities
Chasing someone around and being silly
blah blah, etc.

Question 5: On a scale of 1-10, how “healthy” would you rate yourself?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Question 6: How physically active are you?
Very inactive

Question 7: What are factors do you think are important to be “healthy”?

Question 8: Why do you think people Exercise?
To modify their body (read: weight lifting, staying in shape, etc.)
Because we're told we need to

Question 9: If a person is physically fit with a good diet but has low self esteem and doesn’t like to socialise, does that make him healthy?
That depends on your / societies opinion on what healthy is. Society tells me that is isnt. If they are happy in themselves, why should we judge otherwise?

Question 10: What factors do you think can affect someone’s good health?
How long is a piece of string? Everything can have an affect if you define health as both a mental and physical thing. Lets shorten that to environmental causes.
#6 - amp88
Question 1: Give your own definition of Health.
Mental and physical wellbeing.

Question 2: In your own words, what is “Physical Activity”?
Doing something that involves moving and/or causes your pulse rate to rise above your resting rate.

Question 3: Give an example of a healthy person.
Michael Schumacher.

Question 4: What are some ways to be physically active?
Walking, running, swimming, going to the gym, playing sports.

Question 5: On a scale of 1-10, how “healthy” would you rate yourself?
4 - I'm overweight (borderline obese according to my BMI, which I've never really put any stock in anyway), and I don't get much exercise but I'm generally well and don't get struck by illness often. I don't drink much, don't smoke cigarettes and don't do drugs.

Question 6: How physically active are you?
Not very, almost sedentary.

Question 7: What are factors do you think are important to be “healthy”?
Diet, exercise, friends, family, enjoyment from life and relaxation.

Question 8: Why do you think people Exercise?
Depends on the person. Some people do it as a genuine effort to lose weight and/or become healthier. Others do it because they feel they should be doing something about losing weight and/or getting healthier. Others do it to meet up with friends and/or look for relationships.

Question 9: If a person is physically fit with a good diet but has low self esteem and doesn’t like to socialise, does that make him healthy?
No, mental health is at least as important (if not more so) than physical health.

Question 10: What factors do you think can affect someone’s good health?
Isn't this the same as question 7?
Question 1: Give your own definition of Health.
To be able to do at least 5 full stints in a row... fast.

Question 2: In your own words, what is “Physical Activity”?
To sit tight and let the feet and arms do some magic.

Question 3: Give an example of a healthy person.

Question 4: What are some ways to be physically active?
Oval is OK, but a proper track enables you to be really active.

Question 5: On a scale of 1-10, how “healthy” would you rate yourself?

Question 6: How physically active are you?

Question 7: What are factors do you think are important to be “healthy”?
To have a good seat and wheel set - preferable a cockpit.

Question 8: Why do you think people Exercise?
To get faster... daaah.

Question 9: If a person is physically fit with a good diet but has low self esteem and doesn’t like to socialise, does that make him healthy?
Of cause it doesn't - no time to socialize when on the track.

Question 10: What factors do you think can affect someone’s good health?
Force Dynamics 301 motion platform, or maybe even a SimConMOTION
Question 1: Give your own definition of Health.

Question 2: In your own words, what is “Physical Activity”?

Question 3: Give an example of a healthy person.

Question 4: What are some ways to be physically active?

Question 5: On a scale of 1-10, how “healthy” would you rate yourself?

Question 6: How physically active are you?

Question 7: What are factors do you think are important to be “healthy”?

Question 8: Why do you think people Exercise?
Endurance sex.

Question 9: If a person is physically fit with a good diet but has low self esteem and doesn’t like to socialise, does that make him healthy?
No, they should have more sex.

Question 10: What factors do you think can affect someone’s good health?
#9 - Davo
Way to fag up the thread dude.

Question 1: Give your own definition of Health.
Feeling good about yourself.
Question 2: In your own words, what is “Physical Activity”?
Anything requiring prolonged physical extertion.
Question 3: Give an example of a healthy person.
An athlete.
Question 4: What are some ways to be physically active?
Gym, sport.
Question 5: On a scale of 1-10, how “healthy” would you rate yourself?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Question 6: How physically active are you?
Not very.
Question 7: What are factors do you think are important to be “healthy”?
Physical actvity and health along with mental health.
Question 8: Why do you think people Exercise?
To stay in shape and healthy and look good.
Question 9: If a person is physically fit with a good diet but has low self esteem and doesn’t like to socialise, does that make him healthy?
Question 10: What factors do you think can affect someone’s good health?
Mental wellbeing and disease.
Question 1: A Happy Marathon runner

Question 2: Moving about a bit, maybe going downstairs to get a beer.

Question 3: Valentino Rossi

Question 4: Playing sports, lots of sex or just running about listening to music on your I-pod wearing dodgy shorts.

Question 5: 6

Question 6: Quite active, average.

Question 7: Physically active and mentally stable

Question 8: Because it makes them feel good.

Question 9: Physically yes, mentally probably not but he could be a complete nutter so not socialising would be a good thing

Question 10: Accidents, Cancer...too many things to list really
Question 1: Give your own definition of Health.
You are ok with your life
Question 2: In your own words, what is “Physical Activity”?
Doing something physically. Cleaning up, going biking or beating up demo players on forums
Question 3: Give an example of a healthy person.
Marilyn Manson
Question 4: What are some ways to be physically active?
Make a habit of having decent exercise at least few times per week
Question 5: On a scale of 1-10, how “healthy” would you rate yourself?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Question 6: How physically active are you?
Pretty average. More of streangth than of endurance.
Question 7: What are factors do you think are important to be “healthy”?
You are ok with your life
Question 8: Why do you think people Exercise?
For fun and/or to stay fit. Social relationships are important too.
Question 9: If a person is physically fit with a good diet but has low self esteem and doesn’t like to socialise, does that make him healthy?
Shy = doesn't like to socialise. Low self esteem can do a lot damage, so no
Question 10: What factors do you think can affect someone’s good health?
Way of life, food, exercise, good social relatioships
Question 1: Give your own definition of Health.

Physical, mental, and emotional well being

Question 2: In your own words, what is “Physical Activity”?

Any activity which increases your heart rate to your Target Heart Rate based on your age and level of activity.

Question 3: Give an example of a healthy person.

Anyone of any age who is not obese, suffering from any preventable illness, and is physically active.

Question 4: What are some ways to be physically active?

Walking is one of the best exercises there is. Don't park close to the store entrance...walk. Don't take the escalator...use the stairs. Your heart will thank you.

Question 5: On a scale of 1-10, how “healthy” would you rate yourself?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Been a little under the weathe ... but feeling better now...

Question 6: How physically active are you?

See Question 5: answer...currently taking it easy, but will be resuming my walking regimen soon.

Question 7: What are factors do you think are important to be “healthy”?

See Question 1: answers

Question 8: Why do you think people Exercise?

For a variety of reasons, some rational, some not.

Question 9: If a person is physically fit with a good diet but has low self esteem and doesn’t like to socialise, does that make him healthy?

No. Mental and emotional well being has an effect on physical well being.

Question 10: What factors do you think can affect someone’s good health?

Many factors outside the realm of one's control; accidents, debilitating disease, war, pestilence, being a victim of other peoples' stupidity.
#13 - aoun
I got all the info i need. Really like to thank anyone.. if use wanna keep talking about it and answering the survey, go for it lol! =) Take care..

Health Survey
(13 posts, started )