HAve to agree. I'm 32, and have been racing this thing for about a month, and already finding it hard to fit my 'chores' around it...all we had in my day (cue New World Anthem) was Elite, on an 8-bit computer, plugged into a black and white portable with no barely sound, and yet it SERIOUSLY affected my exam results. With LFS, I would have been touting the Big Issue by now. I feel sorry for the kids these days, how are you supposed to get down out of a fully functional racing car simulator to do your algebra? Forget it.
I'm 32. In real money. Exams were half my life ago. (YEEEEEEEEEES)
And I'm 33 in January. Capricorns rock racing sims.
I think you definitely look older than 20. When I saw you in the karting pics, the first thing that crossed my mind was 'He is much shorter than I'd imagined' and the second was 'I thought he was younger too'
P.S. No offence intended if you are sensitive about your height / age
D: I've not had birthday cake in 2 years. On my 18th my dad had no job (as where he worked closed down a few months before) and on my 19th they forgot it was my birthday until the day after