Hi, I used the sound editor to load Davews sound pack, all went fine, I exit LFS, after a while played a little more, and the sounds were Davews.
So now is the possible bug?
In the garage, I happened to delete an old skin "color profile", and after that the sounds went to default, I select my car "color profile" again and default sounds were still there.
So I loaded the sound pack again
Maybe others could reproduce the problem ( if it's a problem, bug? )
Also reproduced this, and I know you don't want requests in this thread, but...
Is it possible that the shots are the resolution you are playing and not what you see?
Please don't write so big, and do include a description in your text.
For anyone else who is reading, dewyl meant to say :
" There is still no ESC menu available when watching an MPR ".
I know that, it's not a bug, but something that does need doing so it's consistent with SPR's I need to make MPR's loop and add an escape menu. It's on my list and I don't need reminding. I never said it was fixed so I don't need your big red text shouting at me. You just make me less likely to devote the few days I need to do it, because you might think I'm rewarding you for shouting at me.
I have a bug that is propably caused by S2.
Reproduction steps:
Start LFS 0.5V2
Go to singleplayer, Blackwood GP, select the XFG
Start a practice session
After starting, press shift+u to enter the autocross-editor
Select "Options" in the lower right corner
The screen flickers, the driver-model that should be viewable is sometimes cut in half (see first screenshot) and the car on the track can interfere with the model of the driver (second screenshot).
Use throttle and brake to incluence the flickering.
The procedure above is only *one* way to reproduce this. I had this occur to me originally on BL2 with the XRT.
The options screen works very well if I access it in a different manner (esc -> options), which leads me to believe that this is a software-internal problem.
i dont know how hard this would be or if its even possible...but what about when lfs takes a screenshot have another program within lfs so to say that converts and compresses the bmp to jpg e.g. the moment it gets save?
and if that doesnt work lets just change over to DirectX 10 :P
There could be a simple text file in the "shots" folder with a simple explanation why you shouldn't post bmp files. People will post the bmp's because they think that it is the official file format because that's the file format lfs uses
Would it possible that "shots" folder would be "screenshots" folder, or "screenies" if the lenght is an issue?
for the newbies fine but it would take a popup to explain/give a choise so it's much of an annoyance to all the screenshot generators. maybe it could be clicked like "don't show me this stuff ever again".
If there really is a problem Scawen will have to spend the 30 minutes to look up a random imaging library to include and pass the screenshot through before writing to the harddisc.
Until then we can just wait and see wether it is a problem at all.
one tiny "bug" thats been bugging me for a while now is that escape opens the options in the single player setup sceen instead of sending you back to the main menu
also shift+o doesnt work in the main menu
Does anyone have any freezing or small lockups with the new V patches? (V1 and V2). Because this happens on both of my systems, as well as my friends.
It happens in a few places of the game. When I join a multiplayer game, the game will freeze/lockup as soon as I am joined in and see the track. For a brief moment the game will lockup not moving at all, and you miss a lot of text messages in the process. Then once it resumes, "CHING CHING" (text flows in rapidly) the game resumes.
Also when exiting a multiplayer game, it takes time and locks up when trying to go back to the previous menus. The same thing happens in Singleplayer. And this isn't a random occurance, it happens everytime.
The lockups are for at least 6-10 seconds I'd say. It isn't fluid anymore.
I'm having that. LFS takes like a small brake when I press the back button and it moves to the previous menu with long delay, I've had it for a while, thought it was my system getting slow. Not having that kind of issues with MP, but I do have another one. LFS only lets me connect one game per startup, and every time I exit a server and try to join a new game the connection doesn't work, and when I restart LFS it works again.