The online racing simulator
more grip on road tires
(18 posts, started )
more grip on road tires
Hi, i've seen movies from real cars on just public roads were they are racing etc. and were they have good grip and if i play lfs i hear the skidding alot and i think there also should be more grip

Have you already noted at what speeds you're actually driving when having the feel of "not enough grip"? If there's something, then there's too much grip for road tyres, easily reaching over 1G lateral grip through corners.
Quote from Scrabby :Hi, i've seen movies from real cars on just public roads were they are racing etc.

The fast and the furious isn't real life.
#4 - axus
Road tyres in LFS can hit about 1.4-1.5 lateral g's on a good setup... which is already probably excessive considering that those cars don't have downforce.
#5 - JTbo
Quote from AndroidXP :

Have you already noted at what speeds you're actually driving when having the feel of "not enough grip"? If there's something, then there's too much grip for road tyres, easily reaching over 1G lateral grip through corners.

True, have had no time to create 200ft skidpad with cones on autocross arena where G-forces could be measured reliably. On track you can actually get much more G-force than on skidpad so 1G is no real miracle, banked turns are secret for this.

I don't know car that does 1G at 200ft skidpad with standard street tires, Elise gets 0.99G being best I have seen, maybe some Atom or similar that is no more near street car can make it.
#6 - axus
Quote from JTbo :True, have had no time to create 200ft skidpad with cones on autocross arena where G-forces could be measured reliably. On track you can actually get much more G-force than on skidpad so 1G is no real miracle, banked turns are secret for this.

I don't know car that does 1G at 200ft skidpad with standard street tires, Elise gets 0.99G being best I have seen, maybe some Atom or similar that is no more near street car can make it.

There's already the slalom lesson (.lyt can be found in lessons folder) which should do the job.
even i hear my tires squeel and whatnot leaving and comming into my neighborhood


actually, the "super" tires in LFS should make a sticky sound though, a friend of mine with a G35 has quite sticky tires, and they pick up rocks and whatnot and throw them into the fender wells (which... we need that sound too!)
#8 - JTbo
Quote from XCNuse :a friend of mine with a G35 has quite sticky tires

Hmm, is that lot better than G25 and what do you mean by tires, wheel does not change tires? I guess I'm bit lost now
#9 - Jakg
G35 = Infiniti Coupe = Basically a Nissan Skyline-type thing
#11 - JTbo
Quote from XCNuse :its the car in my picture actually...
this car: ... sp/Infiniti-G35-Coupe.jpg

Oh, that kind of thing, can't say that I would come across that one before, too modern

Slalom is not good for g-force measuring, but there was one throttle control test that had cone track, however have no idea about dimension so would be hard to compare data anything, imo.
don and kid did a test between the GTi and some random video they had, i wonder if don still has it on his server.. i guess he does but i dont have the link ATM

but once you have dimensions, you can always go into shift u mode and press D to get distances and whatnot in LFS
#13 - JTbo
Quote from XCNuse :don and kid did a test between the GTi and some random video they had, i wonder if don still has it on his server.. i guess he does but i dont have the link ATM

but once you have dimensions, you can always go into shift u mode and press D to get distances and whatnot in LFS

Lol, there is also Skidpad with nice painted 200ft markings and red path to follow in LFS I found out. Me n00b

XR GT with my race su max 0.95, but really 0.92G is what that pulls.
If anything, the road tires have too much grip.

so, -1!
Quote from JTbo :Oh, that kind of thing, can't say that I would come across that one before, too modern

Excuse me? That is not just a THING. That is a freaking Nissan!:lovies3d::lovies3d::lovies3d::elefant::bannana_g

Anyways, mabey somebody could help me out. What exactly is the skidpad for? Is it like more slippery or somthing? I never understood the concept of it.
Simply to test cornering ability in a controlled environment
#17 - JTbo
Quote from AndroidXP :Simply to test cornering ability in a controlled environment

That it is, very handy for comparing cars or sets etc. It is a tool and great tool it is.

Road normal tires seem to be very closely right amount of grip, road supers seem to be semi slicks really as those have so much grip, maybe bit too much grip for even those.
Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :

Anyways, mabey somebody could help me out. What exactly is the skidpad for? Is it like more slippery or somthing? I never understood the concept of it.

Quote from AndroidXP :Simply to test cornering ability in a controlled environment

From some boffin:
Quote :
Skidpad is a circular race track with a 300 feet radius (For metric system places, they use 100m radius). The test driver drives the car around the skidpad and slowly increase the driving speed. He/she drives the car until the tires at the outer circle starts to slip/skid. At that point, the test driver obtains the maximum speed the car can travel in a 300 feet radius skidpad. By using this speed, the car magazine can deduce how many g's a car can pull. When a car is moving in a perfect circle, due to Newton's First Law, there must be a force acting perpendicular to the car's motion pointing away from the circle because of the inertia of an object to maintain a straight line movement. This perpendicular force is called the centripetal force and it is defined by mv2/r where r is the radius of the circle. Number of g's is recorded as v2/gr. It is originally defined as how many times of the earth gravity you can feel when a car is turning.
Here is a brief description of the physical phenomenon surrounding a skidpad test. Note that when a car is moving in a circle at a constant speed, the tires are rolling. The rolling action ensures that the tires are momentarily at rest. Thetires are subjected to static friction. However, as v increases, the centripetal force acting on the tires increases. When it exceeds the limiting friction of the car, the tires will be locked and no longer rolling. It will now begin to slip/skid towards the direction point away from the center of the circle. If you are slowly increasing the speed, you will find that you cannot maintain running in a 300 feet skidpad, your car must now turn in a curve that has a radius greater than 300 feet. At the point, when the test driver can't maintain the 300 feet radius circle, the speed is recorded and the number of g's is deduced.
An easy way of deducing limiting friction coefficient is to equate μlfmg and mv2/r. This will imply the limiting friction of your tires is actually equal to the number of g's your car can pull in a skidpad. For example, our Skyline pulls 0.94g on a 300 feet skidpad, so μlf is also 0.94.
The real number is higher than 0.94 (how much higher depends on how fast you are running the skidpad). This is because the car develops yaw angle (ie the angle between the direction of the chassis and the direction the car is traveling) while turning, so the tires loses grip.

more grip on road tires
(18 posts, started )