yup - ask there - i emailed them and got 2 additional unlocks thorugh almost immediately...
My story..
I built the new computer hooked up to internet and used an unlock
so down to one, not a problem... then i transferred over all old data files.... however, somewhere in all of it it went back to 'demo racer' so i thought, ok no worries use my last unlock for the month
Next morning new PC doesn't want to play ball, has multiple corruptions and needs a total wipe out and reformat.
Reinstall the LFS, realise i'm outta unlocks for the month.
it's a sat morning, great have to wait until monday
i email the devs i tell them in a short email whats happened and they sent through 2 new unlocks within the hour...... WITHIN the hour on a WEEKEND

how cool is that.
From this experience alone i have to say there is nothing wrong with the current system