As Xalies said, are you sure you attached the right file?
If you did, then I'm sorry but some embedded VBA code in an Excel spreadsheet is not really worth showing off here. Especially since I can see the breakdown without having to type in a password, so it doesn't really work, if that was the idea.
Also please note this forum is for LFS related developments, and this isn't one, so I'm moving this thread to off-topic.
Uhm. The "program" is not good at all. I'm wondering what it in fact does... It doesn't really serve its purpose, does it?
Even with VBA you can do a lot more useful stuff, and especially be cleaner in typing your code
Maybe you should start of with some basic input/output-routines...uhm, wait, you've done that . Maybe you just shouldn't show off something until it does proper stuff that is useful
Security level in my excell is set to high, so it doesn't run unsigned macro's. This means I could see the other page without any password. If you start up VB you can also just see the password.
I get visual studio at school, lot more fun then excell. Can someone tell me how I can share my programmes with other people? When I compile an exe and send it to someone it won't run. Does it need anything else with it? We're just building progs at school now, no building for outside use, so I know nothing about this.
Flippy - depends on the error message, chances are you are relying on some component controls so it's best to include the releveant .ocx files in the zip with the executable.
That's for VB6 anyway, for VB.NET they will require the whole VB.NET framework installed on their machine if the program is to run.
james: I'm being nice and will give you an example for a better protection of your work sheets
Note: This one needs macros to be enabled or you won't be able to view the data-sheet that easily
I also could have protected the source code, but that would be quite stupid, as someone should be able to learn from this
edit: the password is lfs if you're too lazy to read
It's where Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg live in the Discworld books. You're doing a course? I'd stick a Terry Pratchett reference in there to "Borrowing" and see what your teacher/lecturer says.
Maybe a status message that says "I 'aint dead.", if you want to be cryptic.