The online racing simulator
Unlimited unlocks
(37 posts, started )
I'm running patch V, pretty sure that's the latest one?
That's the latest official patch. The current test patch (V2) however, has some unlocking changes, which may or may not be of benefit. Worth a shot though, if only for the other small improvements.
Quote from spankmeyer :3+ years of heavy LFS usage, countless hardware changes and numerous total hard drive formats and still haven't managed to run out of unlocks. Am I doin' it rite?

Me too. IMO the unlocking system is just fine, no need to change it.
Quote from Kosmo :Me too. IMO the unlocking system is just fine, no need to change it.

absolutely agree. 3 unlocks per month is just perfect
-1 on that one, I am fine with 3 unlocks...
I ran out of them only when the U test patches were coming regulary and fast...asked for an extra - got problem
#31 - Davo
Quote from keithano :absolutely agree. 3 unlocks per month is just perfect

haha you don't even know how many unlocks you get a month Must not use them often. I't s 1 month upto a maxmium of 2
Quote from Davo :haha you don't even know how many unlocks you get a month Must not use them often. I't s 1 month upto a maxmium of 2

Nah, technically he's right. You get 3 unlocks, 1 you are using and 2 extras.
#33 - Gunn
Quote from kirmy :how many times have you downloaded the new patch only to find out you have no unlocks left

Quote from mrodgers :Nah, technically he's right. You get 3 unlocks, 1 you are using and 2 extras.

That depends on how you define "unlocks". But 3 per month is not correct anyway because if you define unlocks as available + used, and you have one, you'd get one more the following month which equals two unlocks instead of three.

I don't see why you'd want to count an unlock you're using, just sounds strange. For me an unlock has always been the available unlocks only, and with that definition Davo's explanation is accurate.
#35 - Jakg
only ever one out of unlocks once (well, twice, had to re-install, then had to re-unlock for some odd reason, but i decided to get it fixed FIRST and then unlock)
I've ran out of unlocks many times, because usually when I have computer problems, they come in 2's (Install Vista, Unlock LFS, then Activate Vista which locks LFS, unlock LFS, reboot into XP, load LFS, try to unlock LFS to no avail.) But with a friendly email to the LFS Tech team, you can have that corrected in a day (due to my shitty timezone) and be able to drift the night away.
There are some good pactices to help you not to ran out of unlocks.

1. Have a 2nd copy of your unlocked LFS folder as a backup. Now, if something goes wrong with the one you are using you can overwrite it with the backup without using a new unlock.

2. If you have generall problems with your PC and need to format a couple of times or more, first sort out your problems and then unlock LFS.

3. If you have LFS related problems and/or downloading a fresh version you can always do some testing in demo mode also, so no need to unlock LFS just to check an issue if it's not specifically S2 ralated.

4. If you really want to do some testing check the date!!. If there are only 3-4 days left until the end of the month, why don't you make that testing now instead of with the arival of the new month? This way you'll have the 2 unlocks of the upcoming month untouched.

Unlimited unlocks
(37 posts, started )