Moo Racing
(499 posts, started )
this is another totaly irrelevant post to drive up my post count


and yeah we all were LFSn00bs with LFSn00b and people were like omfg wtf bbq banz0rz teh b1g oneoneeleven!11//!!11!!/?!/!!?!?
@ tillirides - sorry but we are not looking for demo members.

@Banshee - I know, that's why his name no longer appears on the first post. Thanks for telling me though.
mind if i join your little mad house? dont meet criteria a) but most nights i can manage b) unless im tired and shouldnt be racing hehe
Mad house? For that you're not joining

You're on the server now so I'll do the test now.

EDIT: He passed, our 6th member is MBK!
welcome z0rz
hehe thanks
Welcome MBK
Can i join? or.. i haven't driven 15k miles,but..
You've nearly driven 5000 miles so I'm gonna accept you. Welcome to the team.

If you have MSN add me on
oo thank you!
Just a thing i noticed. The last few people have been accepted without any recomendation by other members, or without your personal experience racing with them, but just a simple milage check?

Not saying you should get rid of the new people, but you have to have some standards.
I gave a driving check to everyone apart from Niall (The General Lee) since I've known him since he was on demo and he is good, safe driver. I didn't give EmilO a driving test either because he's a long-standing member of the community, having joined in 2005 so I thought if he isn't a safe driver by now then there's something wrong. I gave driving tests to everyone else. (Oh apart from S14 DRIFT but he's done over 10,000 miles AFAIK)
And another member!

Please all welcome Ast!
ooo our little club is getting to a nice size now
Yep, I'm gonna close it at 10 members. This does not mean we won't get more people but we'll become more reclusive and make people stalk us before we let them in
#67 - Ast
Thanks for the heads up, hope to see my new team mates on the track

Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :Just a thing i noticed. The last few people have been accepted without any recomendation by other members, or without your personal experience racing with them, but just a simple milage check?

Not saying you should get rid of the new people, but you have to have some standards.

FWIW...this is generally why teams that are hastily put together like this won't have a great deal of success. I wish you guys the best, but you should really be a little more selective. It would have been better to start with a couple people and start adding after you've raced with people and get to know their personalities and driving abilities.
Quote from banshee56 :FWIW...this is generally why teams that are hastily put together like this won't have a great deal of success. I wish you guys the best, but you should really be a little more selective. It would have been better to start with a couple people and start adding after you've raced with people and get to know their personalities and driving abilities.

Well, luckily, all of the MOO members ive raced with so far seem pretty cool. But yet again, it was kind of a "crash everybody and their AI, to let your AI win" kinda race, so it wasnt really that serious.

I hope to have a real race with everyone soon. I better start driving my S2 cars, as the only ones ive driven so far were the UF1 and the UFR.
Quote from banshee56 :FWIW...this is generally why teams that are hastily put together like this won't have a great deal of success. I wish you guys the best, but you should really be a little more selective. It would have been better to start with a couple people and start adding after you've raced with people and get to know their personalities and driving abilities.

I know you may think it is a bit high but I have set 10 members as the limit. We will then get to know each other, well we're already doing that but never mind. I do not want to give up on this team, if some people leave then its their choice, I can't do anything to stop them but I will carry on. I have started this team with the view to make it pretty well-known, hopefully for the right reasons, whereas some of the other new start ups, such as Castrol, didn't I suppose. I agree with what you are saying, that the teams that just accept anybody generally go down within the first month, but our team is not like that. Sure, we'll accept people pretty new to LFS but we expect them to be good drivers, as proven by the fact I have already booted someone off the team for being on the wrecker's barricade. Most, if not all, of our members play LFS for fun, nothing serious, which was the mindset I had when creating the team.

I guess what I was trying to say above is that we are selective, just not as selective as some of the more 'major' teams, which, IMO you cannot afford to be when you're just starting up.
There's gonna be a team gathering tomorrow evening, 6pm GMT. On Moo Racing 2. Everyone's invited, even those who aren't on the team. We will be running a mystery combo.
Quote from Leifde :I know you may think it is a bit high but I have set 10 members as the limit. We will then get to know each other, well we're already doing that but never mind. I do not want to give up on this team, if some people leave then its their choice, I can't do anything to stop them but I will carry on. I have started this team with the view to make it pretty well-known, hopefully for the right reasons, whereas some of the other new start ups, such as Castrol, didn't I suppose. I agree with what you are saying, that the teams that just accept anybody generally go down within the first month, but our team is not like that. Sure, we'll accept people pretty new to LFS but we expect them to be good drivers, as proven by the fact I have already booted someone off the team for being on the wrecker's barricade. Most, if not all, of our members play LFS for fun, nothing serious, which was the mindset I had when creating the team.

I guess what I was trying to say above is that we are selective, just not as selective as some of the more 'major' teams, which, IMO you cannot afford to be when you're just starting up.

With all due respect, how do you know that your team isn't "like that", when you have only just met the majority of your team, and then only through a post or two on a discussion forum? Gathering a group of people that can operate in a good team dynamic is very tough even in almost 2 years, let alone all at once. Please, please, just be careful who you add, because once people start racing with the tag of the team for which you are known and responsible for, that reflects back to you and the more well known members of your team. Yes, this is very important for a team that wants to be "well known" in the community.

Case in point: Preston4321. This cat came on a LOTA server, one in which my CoRe teammates and I help pay for, and raced (and wrecked) under the "Moo" team tag. That instantly led me to report his actions on these forums after doing a search and finding him on the Barricade and in this thread.

Because of that case, which arguably can be seen as a worst case scenario, I think you owe it to yourself to view everyone in your team right now as "probationary" members, at least until they prove to be worthy of your efforts here.

Good luck to you, and be careful with your team, especially in its infancy.
#73 - Ast
Well, atleast the team is getting a bit more known from all the posts But yeah i do agree with you ^^. I guess we can only tell with time, and i look forward to help building this team, just give us time to settle down a bit and get some experience in this wide world of LFS
Thanks for the concern and I see what you are saying but you are wrong with the "a post or two on a discussion forum" thing, I have spoken to them all on MSN and seen their driving on LFS. I can't keep tabs on them all the time and I'll have to accept that occasionally I will get drivers like Preston who seem all right on the surface but are/were wreckers. Preston was promptly kicked from the team when I found out he was on the wrecker's barricade. This was about an hour after he joined. I am surprised that he joined with the Moo tag and started wrecking but no team can avoid that. I assume that he had already been booted from the team at that time so he was trying to give me/us a bad name for kicking him off the team.

Of course every member of the team is liable to be booted off if I find out they have been/are a wrecker and I know that people like that would bring the reputation of the team down but I'll accept that and see where it gets me. If I end up having a one or two-man team who nobody has any respect for then I'll go about it a different way but until then I'll do it my way. If I went about it your way I would have a team all for myself for a long time, while I got to know all the members. I find it easier and more friendly if they come into the team before I start getting to know them more, it shows I trust them. Lastly, you're right, I know I need to research their history a bit more, this was something I failed to do with Preston. If I had looked up his name on the wrecker's barricade I wouldn't have let him on the team.

Oh, btw, please could you tell me when Preston came onto your server and started wrecking, I would like to know if it was while he was on the team.

And a general note to everybody reading - if you see anyone with the Moo tag wrecking then please report it to me AND the wrecker's barricade. After Preston I need to be more alert.

P.S. Thanks for the good luck

EDIT: Heh, too slow. The majority of that post was a reply to banshee56's post
#75 - th84
Banshee is right, you really need to be more selective in adding new member's, which is basically what I meant by quality is much more important than quantity (and I dont mean quality racer's, but quality people overall).

We basically make people stalk us before we even consider accepting them (boosted, our most recent addition, is a exception to this rule because we/I have known him for quite sometime now). However, everything that we do now is due to mistake's we have made in the past and learned from those mistake's. But were not really concerned with being seen as a "top team" (hence the name :P), we just like to have fun. So, I guess your approach to recuriting should be based on the type of team you wish to have.

I think you will be fine Danny, just do what you feel is right. The only way you will learn from your mistake's is to make them.

I see another demo league in the future, and the winner get's, not only a s2 voucher, but a free ticket to join Moo racing!!!

"Moo Racing.... Got Milk?"

Moo Racing
(499 posts, started )