No, you must be wrong, cars are cheap there, Vauxhall Monaro VXR 500 costs there less than low spec Audi A4 here and we can't even have Monaro Monaro would be however more fun than 4 Audis
My car for example costs here 10 times more than in UK and we can't get even LPG (or if I put such system in, I must pay many times car's worth of taxes every year) so running car is very expensive too.
Of course, AUS and US have stupidly cheap car prices and people in US do have free fuel really, well they pay 1/4 of what we pay here. Their food, clothes, houses, cars and fuel is lot cheaper than we and still they earn more money, but still are in deep loans, well they pay more from phone so I guess that is where all money goes?