The online racing simulator
Pitting - repairing damage
(7 posts, started )
Pitting - repairing damage
Hello hello

My friend Ynot and I were doing some laps as noobs on FE2 with XRT. Don't know if it go's for other cars / tracks aswell but I think so. I consider it as a bug cause it can be used as a method to "cheat" with a super short pit.

I had damage and was in pit, Ynot was doing a 'donut' in the pit and while I pitted (and my damage was already repaired, but still have the text "front damage - rear damage,....) and you can't drive away. Now Ynot, while donutting, hitted my car slightly and I was able to drive away, with all damaged repaired. I didn't noticed if I had new tyres or fuel tanked. Anyway, damage was all fine so... You could in a race where there are teams, one car with damage pit, second car of the team pits too (for fuel, tyres - normal pit). The 1st car pits in 3/4 of pitlane, second car in last pit part, while passing his teammate in 1st car he can tab him slightly, making him able to be repaired and drive of, with a 2 sec hold, instead of 10-15-.... As you see, this can be handy during races.

So, is this a real bug or lucky conisidence ?
Replay => bug.mpr

Don't mind the shitty times and all please
Been like that since S2 Demo, but no fix yet

Haven't heard of anyone using this in a league yet though (on purpose anyway).
Quote from tristancliffe :Been like that since S2 Demo, but no fix yet

Ooow.. never heared of it before.
#4 - bbman
I was doing singleplayer training and had something like that: I pitted and somehow I stood still just for a moment, everything was repaired and I could go on racing... Unfortunately, I started out from pit, so no replay was saved and I couldn't reproduce the bug either...
Never seen anyone push someone else on purpose with the intent to assist.. I can see how it may be a problem though.

A more common practice on shorter must-pit races is to either pit in on last lap, or simply not doing anything in the pits (no fuel, no repair, no damage) effectively costing a lot less time than with refuelling or changing of tyres. I suppose it's one way to do it, but it's really not supposed to work that way methinks..
#6 - bbman
Another thing that is pretty much a bug, I found it today racing the sccc mini enduro:

I had R3's on the front and changed it so that when I pitted next, it would change to R2's... When pitstop ended, I had two teal front tires in F9-windows...

Right now, the settings leave unchanged till refueling gas, so I think moving the change settings before any tire changes would fix this...
#7 - Sk0rp
Is fuel filled in after another car hits you? Does the game count the short pitting as a normal (important to races in wich pit is needed).

I would say that this is a hard to handle bug!

Pitting - repairing damage
(7 posts, started )