The online racing simulator
(170 posts, started )
sully you were doct points for the first race because you wrecked like everyone on the start. you were good this last race though!
wtf u on about lad i recked no1 !!not 1 person !!pull me out of this league !!!!!!!!
Dude I don't know but whatever quit!
i did quit !!!
#80 - Bee
Bye Sully..
bye mate !!just shows how unorganised this league is !!but ut was great fun so thanks for the fun times !!
country : England
Racing name :[SB]G.Davies / Melon
Class : BOTH
Number ::161, 616, 363

mate you can take my place !and my points !so your 2nd in champs which should be 1st but some misunderstanding !!enjoy mate
I'm sure you can both sort this out properly.
I think it should be organized a little better, Sully should of been informed properly etc.
ok i have no problem with racer hero very nice guy
but i asked him after the first race do i get full points he repyled yes

then they tryed sayin i jumped started which i didnt (proven by replay)

now they say i wreck !!how about uk dirt james he does a demolition derby you can ask every driver on that track did i wreck and they will say no

also Racer Hero you know i am totally against wrecking !and you well know i dont wreck !

then for round 2 you said basically no rules !you can do gull contact !which in my opionion was stupid because people were going to take advantage off it !

i still dont undertstand why i am second in the championship after i won the 1st 2 rounds

now you try telling me i was wrecking

comon guys ! show me one replay off when i wrecked and ill take my loss if i did wreck !, but far as i recall i didnt wreck once !!

thanks lads

here sully.... if I give you your points back (4 points) will you re join?
#87 - Bee
Quote from 11SuLLy11 :how about uk dirt james he does a demolition derby

Quote from 11SuLLy11 : then for round 2 you said basically no rules !you can do gull contact !which in my opionion was stupid because people were going to take advantage off it !

Let's just hope these two parts are in no way linked..

Anyway nice to find i have a team mate in the championship again.. Phew..
racer hero i will rejoin not just for my points but for some nice racing which we had !!i really do enjoy your league and you know that !!
count me in !!

i here you have new team Racer Hero ??:wave2:
welcome back in sully

im looking forward to the race on saturday!
thanks mate !!me too !
be nice.. its my first race :P

im hoping to compete in both UF1 and RB4 races thanks to mr bee for letting me know about the league!
Yes I do have a new team sully also.....add me on msn.
good luck with new team mate !!pm me your msn !
my team has just 'downsized' lol.. still running 2x23 servers tho lol
me and bee are hitting up the banger server in a bit if anyones interested? 22:56 (probably be there about 2310)

(excuse the double posting)
#98 - Bee
Down to 14'04 now I might actually be able to compete with most of you this time!
yeh I was running 13.97 and 95 yesterday
Sully I dont know how you can say you didnt jump the start, I was on pole and you were past me before the start of the race! plus a little contact is allowed

(170 posts, started )