#1 - Dru
Kalle - Round 2 question FE Gold
Quick general question, will the tyre barriers on the chicane be 'reinforced', i'm having nightmares already about getting flipped becuase of loose tires...

Also, just to confirm, if we flip our car and finish on side or roof are we allowed to press space and reset the car? I notice a few guys did it in the first round, but i can not remember seeing anything in the rules to say you can or can not do this, just not pit from escape menu or from in-game.


#2 - kalle
No the tyre barriers on the chicane will not be 'reinforced'. If I remember right, we didn't have any problems there last season. Nothign big anyway.

And yes, resetting is allowed. It was forbidden last season but it was too hard to control so resetting is allowed this season.