The online racing simulator
"Electric car" in LFS... [using LFS Tweak]
Hi all,

Since I used the Tweaks patch V I tried to make a preset to create an electric car based on the XFG

This car should be modern in its looks, like a revisited XFG using some composite materials to keep it light, and would be propulsed by 4 hub electric motors.
The tires would be thin in order to reduce rolling resistance, but preserve the grip.

I intend to post here a "whole pack" that would allow to have a modern electric car as real as possible.

This pack would contain:

- tweak file (see below)
- sound preset (see below)
- setup (see below) updated 14/03/07
- bespoke special rims (see below)

- headlamps and rear lamps, maybe interior textures
- a skin (see below)

The things that will be difficult are mainly the headlamps and interior, so if you have any existing part that would fit for this car, don't hesitate
Attached images
Attached files
XFG_elec.eng - 270.9 KB - 495 views
enjos_gti.rar - 385 B - 349 views
xf_elec.GTi.rar - 162 B - 374 views
XF GTI_electric_rags.set - 132 B - 424 views
It sounds like a very interesting idea.
But will it have the same power as a Prius? O.o
no, MORE!!!! 500hp electric car
lol soulds like fun i would help but i havent bought a s2 licance yet so ohh well
#5 - aoun
Save 2$ in your pocket every day, and before you know it, youll have S2 .
lol thats accuially what iv ben doing
Homer Simpson just called me, he wants a NUKULAR car, can we build it?
when you start er up dont blow up half the city
I wouldn't mind a "Wonder Car" in S2.

Not that it would be a selling point for me. (There are PLENTY of other ones, however)
And there must be this -> Electric car power supply cant give any more voltage and car stops
#12 - JTbo
Something with same specs as Tesla would be nice as that would be at least reallike. Or then maybe they could make next version RAC that is going to be electric car. Would be nice, different to drive because of torque. Well of course engine model and torque curves should be fixed first to represent reality better, now those are rather hmm simple
Hi guys!

I edited the first post, and added some files.

The rims look strange, but I like them like this, with the apparent hubs, looks "modern"

The tweak file provides a good acceleration, even though the max speed is volontary limited to about 180km/h! This car is a city car after all!

You have to use the automatic gear change.

Don't forget the sound file, which makes all the magic of the electric motors

Don't hesitate to give feedback, in order to have a reasonably realistic electric XFG!

And also if you have any idea for the lights/interior/skin...

EDIT: I don't know why this topic has been moved to here, since it is not a suggestion, but a "modification"
I tried it and i am so amazed. Really good work m8

I could die for that sound and if we brake it sounds like the motors are collecting the energy from braking.

Preview of rims and PLEASE TRY THIS !
Who in tha hell wants a electric "car" in real life?
I mean there are just bad things with it.
1. No Petrol
2. No real engine sound
3. Its doesent smell anything. Gasoline smells good
4. A real car must have 5 cylinders or more.
5. How in tha hell can you do a real burnout with an Electric "car"?
6. Can you do long jurneys with it? I donk think so!!
ect ect...

But in a car game it could be great.

I will never buy an elecric "car". Its just craxy Americans who will drive those "cars".

Thats my opinion.

hinirags: You have probably done a great work with Tweak, I mayby try it when i bought an S2 licence.

Over and Out

PS. Sorry for my bad english
Quote from DanneIce :Who in tha hell wants a electric "car" in real life?
I mean there are just bad things with it.
1. No Petrol
2. No real engine sound
3. Its doesent smell anything. Gasoline smells good
4. A real car must have 5 cylinders or more.
5. How in tha hell can you do a real burnout with an Electric "car"?
6. Can you do long jurneys with it? I donk think so!!
ect ect...

But in a car game it could be great.

I will never buy an elecric "car". Its just craxy Americans who will drive those "cars".


Torque, baby Torque! Electric equals loads of torque!

And I've seen many an electric car do plenty good burnouts.
Hi guys,

I updated the first post:

- changed the set file
- added a skin

#18 - Gunn
Why does this exist in improvement suggestions? How does using LFS Tweak to attempt to simulate an electric car make an improvement to LFS? For that matter, how would racing be improved by using electric cars? I feel overcome with non-inspiration to race at all when I think of electric cars. It's like the anti-viagra of sim racing and it's producing a huge soft-on.

#19 - JTbo
Quote from Gunn :Why does this exist in improvement suggestions? How does using LFS Tweak to attempt to simulate an electric car make an improvement to LFS? For that matter, how would racing be improved by using electric cars? I feel overcome with non-inspiration to race at all when I think of electric cars. It's like the anti-viagra of sim racing and it's producing a huge soft-on.


He writes:
Quote : EDIT: I don't know why this topic has been moved to here, since it is not a suggestion, but a "modification"

So either some moderator has been bit trigger happy or he posted it in wrong section
funny idea mybe, but do you have ever drove in a electric car ??

so how can the developers know how a electric car feel when u drive away from a corner.

you can say like a normal car but then without sound. but a electric car doesn't have a gearbox till now.

#21 - JTbo
Electric motor torque curve is nothing like gasoline engine.

It is not much of curve really, more like horizontal line. I don't think this is possible to make in LFS at the moment so it misses most important part.
Quote from Damo74 :
And I've seen many an electric car do plenty good burnouts.

I'm intrigued. What electric cars have you seen doing good burn outs?
Are these real (commercially available) city runarounds or special showcase technology ones?
Just I've never come across an electric car that could do this, or ever seen one doing it. Do you have any interesting links?
Maybe its because of the limited practicality of wrecking your tyres that the electric engines in commercially available vehicles (ok, I'm thinking milk floats here) don't normally allow burnouts to happen.
Quote from al heeley :I'm intrigued. What electric cars have you seen doing good burn outs?

Golf carts. Just need a little bit of bleach!
There is some sports electric car knocking about somewhere that has a 0-60 time of about 3.2s, I would imagine it is capable of producing a reasonably burnout, the video was a drag race against a Ferrari, the static torque application provided by the electric motor makes for relentless acceleration.

Pretty cool if you ask me, but while it can make you fill your pants, it'll never make the hairs on your neck stand up.
Thats the 'Tesla' car

Anywho, the cars with hub motors will have a buttload of unsprung weight, which will make the handling 'interesting'. This could be interesting as an exercise, but I find it hard to be enthusiastic over racing cars that are environmentally unsound.