The online racing simulator
WANTED: Team Programmer
Zwarte Wind Racing is looking for a new member, one with specific skills!

We are searchign for a talented programmer to help with various In/Outsim Outguage programs to aid in our attempts to make a name for ourselves in several series including: Masters Of Endurance, ESL, UXRL, SimFIA DTM and more!!
you want a programmer to publish his/her own work under the name of ZWR? that does in fact not sound like a good offer.

Or do you already have a programmer in your team and just want another one? then we can of course talk about it, but more informations would be very appreciated. Including:
  • In what programming language did you program your (unfinished) tools until now?
  • What do you think of as reward for the programmer? Webspace? Banners? Servers? Money?
  • What InSim/OutSim tools do you want the programmer to write?
Thanks for answering in advance
Greets, Stalker
How would you use a programmer to make a name for yourselves in Masters Of Endurance, ESL, UXRL, SimFIA DTM, etc??? I don't understand...

Those events are purely a driver result to make a name for yourselves. To what would a programmer, specifically from ZWR, help those leagues with?
We do not currently have a programmer on the team, and don't neccisarily want thier programs published under the ZWR team name. We don't want to claim someone elses work as our own.

What we DO want is someone who we can go to when we need an application tailored to the needs of the team.

As an example, one thing we need is an Outsim/Outguage datalogging system so that data can be aquired from a driver online during our test and tune sessions. This is one of the biggest problems we have had thus far. The only current way to get telemetry from one of our drivers is to use the single player replay data to generate an RAF file. this process is rather cumbersome to all involved, and quite time consuming for multiple runs.

Webspace, might be easy for us to arrange, advertising on the cars certainly, Logo and linkage on our website (when it rolls out)(feel free to chime in with a program for making batches of skins per driver, I've currently got to do nearly 200 individual skins to have all my drivers wearing proper skins with thier name and number on them.)

Again Content need not neccisarily be EXCLUSIVE to the team (though we certainly wouldnt mind one bit if it were held back a little for some extra debugging before it gets out to the public, much like our event specific setups are made public after the event)

EDIT FOR TWEAK: Ah yes, the driver is all alone on the track, but our team provides a lot of support prior. A program to monitor fuel tank status could be of great help in keeping other drivers on our endurance squad up to the minute on the current stint and when to expect thier next stit to start as well as for live calculation of fuel strategy for shorter races, just like an F1 team has it's own computers at the track.
I don't think this is the right place to request a programmer. This forum is more for programmer to programmer talk about add ons for Live For Speed.
And what programmer would have seen it in the teams sub forum? This is a thread directed at a very specific portion of the LFS community.
I understand how insim works, but I just have trouble making the packets and sending them!
I only don´t think that it is a good deal for someone to make a program for a team he isn´t part from and maybe no other one can use.

Strange request

Reads the same like you go to Ford and ask: "Could you create a car for me like I want it - surely for free?"
OK heavy example :P
#9 - Dru
Quote from KeiichiRX7 :Zwarte Wind Racing is looking for a new member, one with specific skills!

We are searchign for a talented programmer to help with various In/Outsim Outguage programs to aid in our attempts to make a name for ourselves in several series including: Masters Of Endurance, ESL, UXRL, SimFIA DTM and more!!

(KeiichiRX7) DELETED by KeiichiRX7 : the person being responded to is a dumb ass
@KeiichiRX7 : Now now, calm down.
@wheel4hummer : Might find the InSim Tutorials In C/C++ its struts for PHP you can read them via the pack and unpack functions . Hope that helps.