Hi, I spend some time to think over new packets wich build every new functionallity LFS gots in S2 in.
Thats whats the progress ATM, I don´t think it´s all and also I don´t think if every value is a good idea or if additional should be there.
But for that it´s a Discussion.
I hope some of the Addon developers help to get it to the ears of Scaven and maybe he could write here too, so that we can get a good system from the beginning wich provides everything for all possible parts of addons
Thats whats the progress ATM, I don´t think it´s all and also I don´t think if every value is a good idea or if additional should be there.
But for that it´s a Discussion.
I hope some of the Addon developers help to get it to the ears of Scaven and maybe he could write here too, so that we can get a good system from the beginning wich provides everything for all possible parts of addons

struct IS_PPS // Player Pit Stop (after the stop) (not so much information could be included because of multiplayer races)
char PPS [4];
char UName [24]; // username
char PName [24]; // nickname
char CName [32]; // car name (could be good here but no one would need it)
// functional
MSHT StopTime; // standing time
// information is save because everyone in a race could heare it from pit
byte Tyres; // 0 = no change; 1 = street normal..... n = r1 (not depending on the car)
word Damage; // damage points 0 = nothing; 1 = very little orange in graphic... (also save, who can do much with use of that in a multiplayer race)
byte UniqueId; // player's assigned unique id
byte PlyNum; // player's number (stays in list)
word VerifyId;
struct IS_PCC // Player Change Car
char PCC [4];
char UNameOP [24]; // username Old Player
char PNameOP [24]; // nickname Old Player
char UNameNP [24]; // username New Player
char PNameNP [24]; // nickname New Player
byte UniqueId; // player's assigned unique id
byte PlyNum; // player's number (stays in list)
word VerifyId;
stuct IS_PGP // Player Got Penalty
char PGP[4];
char UName [24]; // username
char PName [24]; // nickname
byte PenaltyFlag; // known Flag from Result
byte PenaltyBefore; // same Flag (only a active penalty; for Stop and Go to 30 seconds for example)
byte UniqueId; // player's assigned unique id
byte PlyNum; // player's number (stays in list)
word VerifyId;
struct IS_RYF // Race Yellow Flag
char RYF[4];
word Node; // where the yellow flag was caused
word VerifyId;
struct IS_PBF // Player Blue Flag
char PBF[4];
char UName [24]; // username
char PName [24]; // nickname
word Node // but not necessary cause of NLP and MCI
byte UniqueId; // player's assigned unique id
byte PlyNum; // player's number (stays in list)
word VerifyId;