Well I think the documentary was good. I've had my doubts about global warming ever since I heard it had been warmer before the temperatures had been started to measure, so it all could be normal. But still even that was informative, it's hard to trust either of the sides. The anti CO2 movement is getting ridiculous though, politicians use it here to run for the parliament in the ongoing elections, I for sure won't vote anyone too keen on that issue...bloody idiots. I'm all for reducing pollution and making the world a cleaner and better place to live, but it should be that for everyone not just for us here in the rich western world. As said in the film, it wouldn't be about us reducing our emissions of CO2 but if we allow the third world countries to get on our level, and it does seem like they won't let it happen as there would be the risk of of economical boom like happening in China and Asia right now which will make the economical growth in the west drop once again. I can see the motives, if they are true, can't tell. It's sure that something should be done to Africa though, giving some electricity could do wonders!
But basically, I think we are screwed anyway. The climate can get warmer, doesn't matter if it's because of the man or it could cool down, you never know. I think running out of oil is more serious issue, it won't only have a dramatic effects on the economy but on the way of life, and what worries me most are the wars we are going to see before that.