The online racing simulator
Transparent icon
(12 posts, started )
#1 - heson
Transparent icon
I need a lfs icon with transparent background instead of black, my Quick Launch looks non perfect with a black icon among the others. I know someone has made it already so I dont have to find a iconeditor to do it myself.


/Pedantic? Me?
#2 - Jakg
you know, i was thinking the same thing earlier today...
Took me all of 5min with GIMP! :P
Attached files - 2.4 KB - 185 views
He meant a transparent background, like this:
(I also added a modified V2-exe)
Attached files - 822.3 KB - 229 views
#5 - Jakg
GREAT, but could you please get the bottom of the S in?
Quote from Jakg :GREAT, but could you please get the bottom of the S in?

are you the mister perfection here?

only joking
Quote from Jakg :GREAT, but could you please get the bottom of the S in?

Okay, I made a second one, and here is a preview:
Attached files - 3.3 KB - 179 views
#9 - Jakg
No, they mean the actual icon for the LFS shortcut
Ooopsss sorry, didnt read "lfs icon"
Quote from wheel4hummer :Okay, I made a second one, and here is a preview:

SWEEET! Thats what I need, thanks alot. My life is complete... or maybe not.
Attached images
#12 - Davo
The LFS icon doesn't look that good totally transparent, but here's my attempt.
Attached images

Transparent icon
(12 posts, started )