Logitech Driving Force
(8 posts, started )
Logitech Driving Force
Hey, I just got my new Logitech driivng force delivered, I dloaded the software for it and calibrated it fine, I put on LFS and everything worked fine on the wheel but the pedals arn't being recognised by LFS and they wont work for anything.

Anyone else get this problem?

Please help racer desperate to get his DF working as he has allways used the mouse!!


(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Is the wheel showing up correctly and working in the game controllers app in control panel?
The wheel is calibrating properly and so are the wheel and pedals, but when I click assign accellerator or brake and press the pedals they don't assign to anything.

When I press the pedals it shows up on the side so it knows they're there but it wont assign them to the accellerator or brake.

Thanks for the replys.
At first, set uncheck Combined Axes in device setup (Control Panel->Game Controllers->select Logitech Driving Force->Properties->Settings). At second, select SEPARATE brk/thrt axes in LFS CONTROLS setup. Then go to AXES/FF assign screen in LFS and bind correct axes for brake and throttle there. You may step a few times on throttle or brake pedal in that screen to see which axes they are using. My thrt/brk are indicated like Slider 0 and Slider 1. You also should have to invert thrt/brk axes to force them work properly.
At the end set WHEEL TURN to approx 185 deg(thats what I am using) and wheel Turn Compensation on 1.00 and enjoy.

Hope it will help you...
Thanks for all your posts, I finally got it working, just a few little things to set etc, I had allready set them to seperate and stuff, just a few things which took me a while to work out.

Thanks for all your help and hope to see you out on the track! xD
Dont worry, I am going to buy my licence just when I will have a fast internet... and it is coming soon....!!!!!!!
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
You'll probably notice that you have a hard time shifting when using the Driving Force in LFS (not the DFP). There's a bug with the controller that causes shifts to "hang" instead of engaging smoothly. I've got a post on here somewhere about the problem and how to fix it.
Hmm, no mine shifts great, but thanks anyway

My solution was trial and error!

But basicly, I think I messed around with to many things to start with, which caused more harm than good, but really it still hasn't assigned to accelorate and brake, it just works

So basicly just make sure that it is seperate accel and brake on LFS and the driver and configure it, very straight forward if you don't panic and try desperate things like me

One thing I have noticed is that the force feedback isn't working, is there a button I can check for that to go on as I would really like it on as I know it's good

Note when I downloaded the driver it wasn't the exactl DF one as it wasn't there, just one that looked the same, so is this maybe why?

Thanks (Again!!!!) :P


Logitech Driving Force
(8 posts, started )