#51 - Nobo
Quote from Becky Rose :
  • Plan your meals before the race. Dont eat chocolate or take fizzy drinks. Eat sensibly. Catering is a major factor in keeping mental concentration.

Nice tips Becky!
But.....24hours without chocolate no way!
Just a little note on the minimum amount of drivers in a team: the thing that makes endurance racing special is that you are in a team: you depend on people and people depend on you. In a team you are not only swapping the driver seat, but also trying to help your other teammates. This whole dependency is no longer there when you allow people to drive as one man teams. I don't doubt it is a real achievement racing 24h on your own, but how fun is it for the other contenders to race someone who just wants to make it to the finish? Also, a team with four people provides a fun event for 4 people, a team with one provides fun for only one person. As the capacity of the server is limited, I think one man teams should be invited only if no other teams are available.

Besides that, I think the organizers have a certain responsibility that people don't do crazy things that might hurt them. Sure, people choose to do it themselfs, but I really think they shouldn't be allowed to in a race. If they want to do it on their own, fine. If there are enough nutters, let them organize a race, but don't allow one man teams to a team race.
Orion, are you nuts ?

Frank, at this point rather than just jack the thread for a huge arguement about the merits of solo runs vs team efforts, i will simply choose to agree to disagree.

I will state however that Solo runners need to either go all the way, or not finish. No driver change should be allowed for Solo attempts.
I have a Server available if it's needed. I have posted some info on the Euro Racing Group forum which has spawned some interest.
Will there be a different server for each class?
read post 1:

Quote from ORION :We are going to allow many different car classes on a server at once, to keep the challenge at a high level. This has proven to be the best solution in all offical 24 hour races so far. We will try to keep the servers equal (-> there will be as many servers as required to fit all racers in there), so that there isn't one GTR team having to drive slalom around hundreds of XFGs

Thanks, it's my age you know, I tend to miss important details.
Well, I'm signed up, and I'm ready for 24 hours of driving, The determination it will require to finish will be huge, but I'm not gonna go back on my word now.

It also helps that I'm driving the XRG, the only car where I can prolly on the oval bit place a brick on the pedal and go take a shit.
#61 - SamH
I've signed up the "UKCT Briton" team now, too, to complement the "UKCT Canadia" team entered. We'll be driving the FXR.. and we're really rather excited about it too, I might add! We've been training for about a week, so far, and we're confident that we'll complete at least 2 laps without crashing!
Quote from dawesdust_12 :It also helps that I'm driving the XRG, the only car where I can prolly on the oval bit place a brick on the pedal and go take a shit.

Well, if you crash other people when you are away it might be possible that you are punished with penalties, depending on what your car will do... lol
Maybe its a better idea to just stop somewhere, best is in the pits. Then you dont cause any trouble.

BTW, if you drive alone, you must keep the other lfsworld username fields empty im afraid
I really wish this wasn't on the same weekend as the Indy 500 and Coke 600.
Quote from ORION :Well, if you crash other people when you are away it might be possible that you are punished with penalties, depending on what your car will do... lol
Maybe its a better idea to just stop somewhere, best is in the pits. Then you dont cause any trouble.

BTW, if you drive alone, you must keep the other lfsworld username fields empty im afraid

There, fixed my signup form, and the brick on the oval bit, I was only joking, I'll probably make a mad dash when I take my full load of fuel+Tyres+fix damage.
Thank you Dustin

Ok, so far we have 40 teams singed up, which is quite a good result because the race is still far away and there will likely be even more sign ups
However, we need more teams driving the small cars like the GTI, because its a requirement for each class to have at least 3 teams.
40 teams?! :O
Most of them driving GTRs
So we have 3 teams in TBO (yeeeeey) but one of them is SK and they drive FXO . They have incredibly fast racers, and they won to drive fastest car, so I want to ask them: Can you drive XRT or RB4, please FXO is not fun
ORION, I picked the XRG becuase I need a sunday drive speed car for a 24 hour race, GTR would be ****ing impossible to drive for 24 hours straight. I would :love: more GTi class drivers to compete against the 24 hour idiot, becuase else, I'll be forced into the equally lovely car, of the RB4.
Probably a dumb question, but there's no chance of rescheduling so it's not on the same day as two of the biggest races of the year?
Im sorry there's nothing I can do Im afraid
1. Im not responsible for this, Im only doing the web coding and posting here in the english forum, and I have asked Christian, and he said no.
2. there are already 40 teams that signed up, and it would be a huge mess to change the date, inform everyone, and find out that some of them dont like the new date aswell...

However, I have added a car counter to the website, that shows you how many teams drive each car, so you dont have to count them:
Thanks anyway. I still might enter a team.

Is there a cap on number of teams?
ATM not really
Well, the Startnumbers are only from 000 - 999, so thats the only limit at the moment... of course we will need more servers for that, but atm we have 6 servers (5 exclusively for the 24h race, and the ZT server aswell.), which should be enough for now.

45 teams now btw
You can also have my server if you need it.

I want to enter a team as it would be a fun thing to do but it's just after my GCSEs start so I'll be revising
The whole idea of having an endurance race and splitting up all the competition into several servers is just strange to be honest. Defeats the purpose of what a multi-class endurance race really is

But I guess if you want tons of people to participate, that is the winning factor to this
Quote from Tweaker :The whole idea of having an endurance race and splitting up all the competition into several servers is just strange to be honest. Defeats the purpose of what a multi-class endurance race really is

But I guess if you want tons of people to participate, that is the winning factor to this

Why? You can still compare the laps across all the servers...
This thread is closed