Stalled the XRT?
(37 posts, started )
Stalled the XRT?
They said it wasn't posible, it couldent be done! BUT I DID IT I TELL YOU! I STALLED THE XRT!

this is not a joke, I stalled during a race.
I was taking a corner and the RPM started to drop, I was wondering what was going on so I pulled over and hit the brakes.
The engine was actualy off!
It took me like 5 minutes to find the ignition key.
I figured it was E or S or something, It doesn't say anywhere that the start engine key is I.

But ya, people keep saying you can't stall the cars in this sim, why'd mine die then? It started when I hit the key though.
#2 - JTbo
Sounds like that you did hit the key before to shut it off by accident, stalling is not like that, it is because your revs are too low to engine to run in first place.

Once at start of qualify my engine was not running, I was typing message and while I was typing qualify did start, I suspect that I hit ignition key while typing so that is why it look like that engine would had not even started.

Also once when I was typing message race ended and my message box did go away, T did not bring it back until I did visit in garage. I guess that there is some bug but damn hard to reproduce so not much point to report I think?
I can't reach my keyboard when I'm actualy racing without taking my steering wheel and puting it to the side. its rather anoying but it does mean that there's no chance I could have hit the ignition key when driving around the corner.

I could have shifted up to a gear that was to fast, that might have done it, but it doesn't make sence since the engine isn't supposed to stall.
Aww hell my bad!

I was testing my new RemoCar control application. Please accept my formal apologies for the inconvenience.
Quote from DragonCommando :
I was taking a corner and the RPM started to drop, I was wondering what was going on so I pulled over and hit the brakes.
The engine was actualy off!

sounds like you ran out of fuel
Quote from DragonCommando :But ya, people keep saying you can't stall the cars in this sim, why'd mine die then? It started when I hit the key though.

you did something, there is only 1 way to stall a car, but it requires a car that has a speed limiter
i dont know if it is still possible, but i found the bug quite a while back
#7 - JTbo
Quote from DragonCommando :I can't reach my keyboard when I'm actualy racing without taking my steering wheel and puting it to the side. its rather anoying but it does mean that there's no chance I could have hit the ignition key when driving around the corner.

I could have shifted up to a gear that was to fast, that might have done it, but it doesn't make sence since the engine isn't supposed to stall.

Sounds like there has been some error in program then.
Clutch is made now so that it enganges when rpm goes below certain rpm (something like 1000rpm without clutchelp more with clutchelp), to be able to stall engine you should manage to get rpm under 300 or so in real car, which should not be possible in LFS and I think in LFS rpm 0 would be stalling and rpm 1 would be running already.

If you can find out how to make it again or if you have replay from it, maybe fill bug report?
I don't think I can recreate it, it happend randomly and hasn't happend since. I checked to see if I had fuel, but I was still at a quarter tank when it shut down.
#9 - Davo
My vote goes to out of fuel. Useless without a replay.
#10 - Mc21
You probably ran out of fuel.
If he ran out of fuel, it wouldn't have restarted.
He probably just hit I.
But he said he couldn't have due to the location of his keyboard
Reminds me of the "There is clutch damage in LFS" thread
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :But he said he couldn't have due to the location of his keyboard

Maybe something else hit the I on his keyboard?
A stone? A piece of candy?
Or maybe there was an error in his I key or in LFS..?
It is impossible to stall in LFS. If the ignition is on, LFS automatically presses the gas to keep it running. If you have a really high inertia flywheel, LFS presses the gas automatically
Well, to be fair I have heard of this happening once before but it was awhile ago. I was racing against someone on SO4 (cannot remember who TBH) and their car suddenly died and he had no idea why. There was a breif discussion about it (there was only 4-5 of us in the server IIRC) and that was it. I'd never heard of that again until now . I passed him as he was coasting to a stop, and me and the other fellow who was competitive asked what the problem was and all he said was "It just died." He also had plenty of gas etc. If my brain was on I would've saved the replay but back then I didn't really care much.
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Well, to be fair I have heard of this happening once before but it was awhile ago. I was racing against someone on SO4 (cannot remember who TBH) and their car suddenly died and he had no idea why. There was a breif discussion about it (there was only 4-5 of us in the server IIRC) and that was it. I'd never heard of that again until now . I passed him as he was coasting to a stop, and me and the other fellow who was competitive asked what the problem was and all he said was "It just died." He also had plenty of gas etc. If my brain was on I would've saved the replay but back then I didn't really care much.

I've also managed to do that, I was pracitising for our "Thursday-race" and when I was going to vote for a new qualify, I just pressed Shift + Q or well, i tried to. Instead of voting, the car died. And it didn't start when pressing I. I should've saved the replay but then the qualify started seconds after so.. I was just thinking "how the hell did I do that" :P
Edit: Btw, I did have fuel..
Quote from wheel4hummer :It is impossible to stall in LFS. If the ignition is on, LFS automatically presses the gas to keep it running. If you have a really high inertia flywheel, LFS presses the gas automatically

actually.. it is possible, but like i've stated, its only possible with cars with speed limiters, and the only car i know its possible in is the FV8

if you dont believe me, look in bugs and search a thread started by me and something to do with stalling or limiter
It hasn't happend since and I basicaly follow the same steps everytime I play. My keyboard is off my desk when I play, I have to actualy pick it up and type, its not on the floor though, its off to the side or up high on my monitor.

Could it have had something to do with the stutter I was getting when it happend? I had some stuttering problems before I upgraded to V2. It only seemed to happen when my hard drive started for some stupid thing XP decided to do randomly. (not related to LFS but seemed to cause a stutter on every game just as my HD kicked in)

This actualy happend a while ago, I thaught nothing of it till I got on the forums the other day and decided to post about it. I would have had a replay but as I said I thaught nothing of it and didn't save.

If it happens again I'll post about it and I'll have a replay next time.
Not sure how a replay will help though.
you can blow the engine by gearing down real fast at speed, but stall I dont think so.
so if thats all so exciting and you also made a thread for this, why didn't you simple pressed "2" right after it happend to have a prove as well? Sure its not very important to save a replay but creating a thread about it is eh? Hmmm...strange things are going on

I'd say, no prove, no case. :haha: Since this seams to be a bug (if this really happend as you said and you are 100%² sure that you did't hit "I" accidently while chatting or your cat/ dog/ bird/ elephant dicided to bugger you) which is probably related to some of the things listed below, it could be useful for the devs knowing about it and sorting it out.

About that stutter thing, that could be:

- anti virus
- indexing service
- "the turn off to save energie/ reduce noises/ "long-life hdd function" method(s) for HDD's
- automatic updates (download/ install)
- a hacker browsing through your stuff =)

or any other crazy service or application running in the background.
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Well, to be fair I have heard of this happening once before but it was awhile ago. I was racing against someone on SO4 (cannot remember who TBH) and their car suddenly died and he had no idea why. There was a breif discussion about it (there was only 4-5 of us in the server IIRC) and that was it. I'd never heard of that again until now . I passed him as he was coasting to a stop, and me and the other fellow who was competitive asked what the problem was and all he said was "It just died." He also had plenty of gas etc. If my brain was on I would've saved the replay but back then I didn't really care much.

Don't listen to this man when he's talking about "unknown issues/features".
He has no credibility!

(just j/k :razz
This rumor could be put to bed completely by 1 man.

Stalled the XRT?
(37 posts, started )