Well I feel that LFS is slow at developing but I dont see that as an issue for me. At the current stage that we find our selves LFS is still a BETA but its the most playable and enjoyable BETA game i've ever played and because its already playable at this stage it just make me more excited of what LFS is actually going to develop into in a few years. I do feel your pain though too but I can still have loads of fun racing LFS than rfactor, gtr2 and other sims on pc.
I certainly dont think LFS sucks at this stage but yes there are a few things that need to be fixed and finished..
Intel can do whatever to sell more of their chips and rFactor can also do whatever they like to sell more games. When LFS is ready, it will outsell any of the sims on the market and it wont need too much of marketing to do it, its quality will shine through and word by word it will spread.
I am happy with my LFS and what ever LFS is going to be few years down the line I know it will be a great simulator with a great community.
btw.. that doesn't go to say i dont play any other games apart from LFS, i play loads of stuff including the very dated MBTR

me loves trucks

so before you start calling me an LFS fanboy

btw any one looking forward to S.T.A.L.K.E.R Chadow of Chernobyl?