some computer(like mine) is quiet old, if there are many car(like first coner), they need to press F to get more fps, but they can't see the break light, & very easy to lost crash the other if th car in front of them are take a early break
Do you not know when you are braking? It seems strange to use the rear lights as a que to when the brakes are applied.
Do the three indicators down on the bottom right of the screen not tell you this too?
If I where you Scania I would practice/refine or change the way you drive as most people use audible que's to tell them when the car is braking/sliding.
Also if the 'brake axis indicator' is wrongly placed on the screen for you and you find it hard to both look at the red bar and drive there is another option you could use in the form of Windows utility's on-screen magnifier.
The magnified window can be resized to a small box and placed anywhere that is easy for you to see whilst driving-you will need to keep your mouse hovering over the brake indicator and the game must be in window mode(shift+F4).
To bring up windows magnifier press 'Windows Key + U' and follow instructions.
Some computers like mine are quite old, when there are a lot of cars in view like at turn one if you started back of the grid or mid grid it causes his pc to slow down. So what he does is press F to get rid of the cars so that they dont have to be rendered. BUT when he does swtich into forces mode then he cannot see when others infront have started to brake and so its very easy to cause a crash as he cannot see others braking.
I believe Scania is refering to the other cars, not their own...
with FPS like that it'd only make it worse but maybe going to the front while using forces view then you'd be able to concentrate on the car in front of you while approching corners