The online racing simulator
Web cam head tracker
(10 posts, started )
Web cam head tracker
I haven't tried this myself yet, but apparantly you can use your web cam with this software to do a mouse/headtracking sort of thing. Perhaps a poor man's version of TrackIR? If it works well, maybe Scawen could pop it in to LFS as an option if there isn't already a mouse-look type of thing there somewhere. ... 10644879.html?tag=lst-0-5
usually the web cam ones (especially the free ones) dont work that great, and quickly go offcenter, its a good idea and all, but .. its still weird having to turn your head
I couldn't get it to work anyway. Doesn't seem to like my cam for some reason. I'm also not a fan of moving the camera direction while driving. With a flight sim it'd be cool, but I like a pretty rigid camera in racing sims.
#4 - X-Ter
#5 - CSU1
Track-IR, I never got this. Hold on, you turn your head left/right to see in that direction within game whilst your eye's are fixed forward. What?


Im sure some may say 'oh it feels very natural once you get the hang of it'...but it makes no physical sense whatsoever imo.
Well, its TrackIR or THTG
Quote from CSU1 : Track-IR, I never got this. Hold on, you turn your head left/right to see in that direction within game whilst your eye's are fixed forward. What?


Im sure some may say 'oh it feels very natural once you get the hang of it'...but it makes no physical sense whatsoever imo.

I have always thought of that point too, I guess it's not really an option unless you have multiple monitors
#8 - CSU1
Quote from Xalies :I have always thought of that point too, I guess it's not really an option unless you have multiple monitors

Or 360 degree vision?
Anyone recall the two movies with those 3D virtual reality type glasses awhile back showing LFS? They were really impressive. I think I'd like to get a set if they aren't $10,000 a pop or something. Can anyone recommend a good set that's maybe $500 or less? I don't think I really want shutter glasses (tried them, very cool indeed), but the full head motion type of thing with the LCDs right over your eyes. Anyone have experiences with these? That'd be just nuts to play with
#10 - CSU1
Quote from jtw62074 :Anyone recall the two movies with those 3D virtual reality type glasses awhile back showing LFS? They were really impressive. I think I'd like to get a set if they aren't $10,000 a pop or something. Can anyone recommend a good set that's maybe $500 or less? I don't think I really want shutter glasses (tried them, very cool indeed), but the full head motion type of thing with the LCDs right over your eyes. Anyone have experiences with these? That'd be just nuts to play with

Ahh! what you talk of my friend are the visions of dreams~~~ , which I see every night when I sleep ....maybe in S3 there will be a bio-immersion option where we can be collective like the Borg haha! humm... improvment suggestions thread here I come

Web cam head tracker
(10 posts, started )