We shouldn't discount Felipe Massa, I think he'll be a tough competitior this year. Everyone's on the same rubber too, so it should be an interesting grid for tomorrow :up:
Anyway, right now pit lane is damp as there's been light rain falling this morning (it's stopped now though). The wets are on standby. It's still quite cool & overcast so the sound's bloody good (I'm just a few miles away from the track so I'll get stereo from the TV and RL tomorrow

). The cool thing is, dear Murray Walker is in town for the race and is doing pit lane commentary for our local Channel Ten coverage! It's great to have the master down here :up: It's also great that when the race is broadcast tomorrow, we get our local guys calling the race and that means no bloody James Allen shouting and twatting about all afternoon
Several guys have done check-laps this morning but noone's done a flyer yet so no times are up. There's about 40 minutes left this session so we'll see what happens. Bummer is, I have to go out now so I'll miss the whole day. Crap!