People don't like to see food alive, well I wouldn't eat dolphins anyway, dolphins are bit different than most of animals and I think there are not many of them.
I have been in one job where my task was to collect animals from farms and deliver them to slaughter house, hmm I guess that is what place is called. It is not nicest thing to see alive animal being killed like nothing, then butcher cuts it (often it is dead indeed at this stage) and prepares for next stage, takes different parts separate and those are processed, then at shop you see meat, steaks and so on, when you have seen whole chain and specially when you first have seen farmer kids play with some animal then you get it to your plate, it is quite sick feeling.
I understand vegetarians very well.
However, even I do feel like murderer it won't change anything, I will eat meat and I will eat fish.
Thank god I'm not doing that job anymore, it was not for me.
However I do believe that everyone should see how whole process goes, so they would know what they really eat and I mean really see it in 1st person, not from some crappy video, sense fear of poor creature and see terror from their eyes, you still feel like eating it? I'm sure pretty many would stop eating meat after that, but at least then they would know what it is that they eat.
Some say that animals don't have feelings, but I can tell you that they have good days and bad days too, don't know if they have feelings, but at least there is fear and joy that they clearly seem to show...
Anyway it is just food for some Japanese I guess. Somewhere they eat monkey brains, you have seen monkeys in tv, quite human like creatures, aren't they? How can you be sure it is not human brain they bring you to eat? Well, I guess it was served from opened monkey head, so should clear that doubt.
Get over it, world is not nice place at all and that was nothing exceptional, sure they could use electricity or something to make it more 'clean' way, but that would not change end result anyway.