Poll : Should netKar-pro support mouse and kb?

It's Stefano's business/I don't care
No, because this can attract arcade racers, we want true simmers community
Yes, because I'm a mouse/kb driver
No, because mouse and kb are pervertions
No, for other reason
Should netKar-pro include mouse and keyboard support?
Stefano has already made a decision to support mouse and kb, but anyway what do you think about it?

Please, don't vote "I don't care" just because you aren't going to play netKar. Imagine what if such a situation happened to LFS, what would you think?

I'd like to see your opinions, because I've seen a discussion in one not wide known sim-racing community, where quite sick opinions were said.

[ edit: HEEELP! Wrong forum! :doh: ]
I voted It's Stefano's business/I don't care

And rated thread ***** for it's general excellence
Oops! I thought I stumbled upon the netKar forum by mistake.
Moderators, help! This topic is in a wrong forum.

I see Tege voted "No, other reason". Would you name it, please?
#5 - AndyC
I don't see the relivance of this topic. If you where saying is Netkar going to be a competitor for LFS then it might have a place here.

But since this is about Netkar I think its got potential to be a good sim. If it gets the physics spot on then this will be the only real competitor for LFS.

I think the devs aren't stupid enough to ignore netkar, i hope they get ideas and inspriration from certain things in the game. Like being able to control everything in the cockpit with the mouse, visual tyrewear and flatspots etc. A nice step in Sim Racing. But like i said hopefully the devs will have thought of implementing this and then they can see how netkar has done it and improve on it.
You have to admit, look at the NetKar screenies going around, that the models (interiors and tracks etc) do look pretty tasty. Why is it that one man team (or should I say <4 man teams) can make nicer graphics than ANY huge corportation's racing sim?

I hope Eric can make the NetKar people drool at us, rather that the other way around... He's clearly got the talent, but does he have the time, the inclination, and can LFS support complex models on modestish PC's?
As mentioned he mouse in nKpro will be used for pressing switches and buttons in the cockpit of the car, I don't think it will ever be used as a steering device.

I believe keyboards will be supported for driving, though, which isn't a bad thing, as long as it's as hard as it should be.
Quote from tristancliffe :You have to admit, look at the NetKar screenies going around, that the models (interiors and tracks etc) do look pretty tasty. Why is it that one man team (or should I say <4 man teams) can make nicer graphics than ANY huge corportation's racing sim?

I hope Eric can make the NetKar people drool at us, rather that the other way around... He's clearly got the talent, but does he have the time, the inclination, and can LFS support complex models on modestish PC's?

You just make it a model option, like in HL. If you have the hardware, you tick use HD Models. If you don't leave it unchecked and it uses the less ubersecka models.
i think support for as much hardware as possible should be in the game. joystick,mouse,keyboard, gamepad. I started playing lfs with kb, and that motivated me to buy a wheel... and then another wheel.
I dont understand why people are so worried about keyboard drivers. The more people playing the game the better and i dont care what they use to control the car with
cus they dont want to get owned by keyboard players.
Quote from sil3ntwar :I dont understand why people are so worried about keyboard drivers. The more people playing the game the better and i dont care what they use to control the car with

That's fair, and in case there's any confusion, I'll clarify what I was saying in my earlier post.
As long as keyobarders do not constantly have their hands held by the cpu (surely they wouldn't want that either), and driving the car is as difficult to do with four keys as it should be, then noone could have any cause for complaint. Wheel drivers only "worry" when kb drivers are being mollycoddled around the track to a level that makes them competitive without the skill level required being anywhere near the same.
Hm, I voted for "No, because mouse and kb are pervertions" thinking that you mean 'kb and mouse are not the way you should play a simulation', but I am not sure about that now, seeing the low number of voters for that

I also could've voted for No, for other reasons, since keyboard and to lesser extend the mouse need special code to make it easier. I think it is impossible to make it fair, so maybe you shouldn't try. On the other hand, LFS has a pretty fair system now, so... yeh, hard subject
But the really quick mousers probably hack LFS anyway somehow...
Quote from tristancliffe :But the really quick mousers probably hack LFS anyway somehow...

Dude! I worked hard to get 1:33 times at Blackwood and I still can't run that time consistantly.

Besides, LFS is hard to hack for the avarage person anyhow. illepall :hide: :ices_rofl
Quote from tristancliffe :But the really quick mousers probably hack LFS anyway somehow...

theres atleast one who i know of, and im sure everyone else does too!
Hmm, I wonder if as many had voted "It's Stefano's business/I don't care" if we had been talking about LFS

Point being that if they voted so because "it's stefanos business" wouldn't that mean that LFS and its upgrades are LFS dev's business...
Quote from Hyperactive :Hmm, I wonder if as many had voted "It's Stefano's business/I don't care" if we had been talking about LFS

Well - the "it's Stefano's business" part of that option could of been left out and just set to "I don't care".

... and seeing as this is the official LFS forum and NetKar has it's own forum...
netkar has the best force feedback
Why I've started this poll: In one russian forum there is a set of hardcore simmers who play mostly NR2003, GPL and something else.

(They don't think highly of LFS, but it's their problem). Many of them say: "So pity that Stefano admitted keyboard, it will make a bad community". Looks like old Russian idea: "Let's wait for tsar or landlord to come and make us a good life". Of course, they think they are smart and want to advise the tsar Stefano what to do, but take such a position with no responsibility - it's Stefano to make them everything.

Actually, it is them to organize themselves and make a community they desire. If they dislike LFS community, because here are no such orthodox believers, they'd better make their own small circle, rather than compalin of arcadish players.
I find it amusing that Victor voted for, "I don't care"
I really dont see whats the big deal having kb and mouse drivers?