Help! Please? =] [steering wheel jerkiness]
Hey, well on drifting i was just wondering with some players wheel it is really jumpy and jeerky and it looks as if that is very helpful for drifitng any idea how i can do this?

Thank You

Quote from johnfromsunnymull :Hey, well on drifting i was just wondering with some players wheel it is really jumpy and jeerky and it looks as if that is very helpful for drifitng any idea how i can do this?

Thank You


LOL! you made my day
If you're watching live online, or via MPRs, then packets the default setting means 4 update are sent every second, so the wheel will jump from where it is, to however far they moved it in 0.25 seconds, which could easily be quite a lot. So, it will not look smooth. When they drove it though, it would have been. Smoothness is important for car balance.
ok lol well thanks, i am new to this and it looked as if they were doing something different to what i was lol and im glad i made someones day LoL i think its just im new and i cant get used to drifting! well thanks

does any wheel work on LFS as long as it is connected to the computer ( like would a play station 2 wheel work )
As far as I know, yes.
ok thanks

What do you mean by a setup? Is it were you change it when you are playing the game from keyboard to steering wheel?
By 'they need a setup' it means they need a configuration program installed so LFS can work out the Force Feedback (among other things) correctly.

I have a Logitech Driving Force Pro which was originally intended for the PS2. It worked in LFS and other games straight out of the box and was detected by Windows, although by default the FF didn't work properly. I needed to download and install Logitech's wheel software before it was 100% compatible.
oh right ok but the steering wheel i have is really old and i dont think it willk fit to the computer but thanks anyway, so i can just buy one out of say argos or woolworths and it should work?

The term you're searching for is "driver".

John - you'll be lucky to get anything worth using from Argos or Woolworths, that's if they even sell them. Even my local GAME store only sells the few cheapest wheels, they're not worth the money. The more expensive wheels are so much better they easily justify their extra cost.
oh right ok so how much are you talking about for a good wheel? ruffley?

thanks, wow ok wasnt ecpecting it to be that!
i have just found my old logic3 steering wheel but it doesnt fit, am really dissapointed! :mad: so i guess i will have to buy a new one well thanks all for your help its appreciated!
Quote from johnfromsunnymull :thanks, wow ok wasnt ecpecting it to be that!

Hopefully it's cheaper than you imagined rather than more expensive

Anyhow..the DFP is by far the best quality wheel for the money,i wouldnt recommend anything cheaper as it simply wouldn't be good enough/precise enough/tough enough
Oh Right, well just now i am trying to get S2 and once i get that i will think about getting the wheel.
Quote from johnfromsunnymull :i have just found my old logic3 steering wheel but it doesnt fit, am really dissapointed! :mad: so i guess i will have to buy a new one well thanks all for your help its appreciated!

If its a PS2 wheel

Thats a PS2 adaptor that plugs into USB port

But I dont know if that wheel is for ps1/ps2

Hope that helps b4 you go out and spend a good wad of cash

And look at the comments down below to see how good people say it is!
The wheel i just found was Logic3 which is for PS1 which i think that might be the reason why its not fitting. Well i think were going to buy a new wheel for the PS2 and just hope it fits the computer aswell.

Yea i know thats what im thinking about, trying to find the best deal!
Quote from johnfromsunnymull : Well i think were going to buy a new wheel for the PS2 and just hope it fits the computer aswell.

In which case the DFP is just perfect then

I had one of those logic3 wheels for the force feedback though ...
I hope you not thinking about just tryin to plug the ps1/ps2 wheel directly into the computer? you know that wont work you need an adaptor for it which i posted above....the ps1 wheel is preety much the same as a ps2 wheel with a bit more FF but still has the same plug...
The DFP I posted is for PS2, but uses a USB port, so will fit a PC with no need for an adapter.
so where abouts can i get a DFP steering wheel and yes i was just trying yo plug it in without any adaptors, will that not work?
oh yea LoL well thanks and first i think ill try get S2 and then im going to try my mates wheel first and if it works then i get to keep it Nice One( its a PS2 one so hopefully it will work ) thanks for all your help!