Well guys/girls i have a report. some of u may have heard that midwest drift team has been canceled or shut down "" im here to tell you that it hasent! and some more stuff cr!t!cal drift is a fake infact he had told me he had become the new owner of [mw] but guess what i had a long talk with [mw] ezo " REAL OWNER" and told me that critical was saying that he was owner and that makes me mad because he started a new drift team called 360 and why should a liar be the maker of a new clan/team so im here to tell you that we should all be suspicous of critical because he tells stories and most of all he lies. you dont want your kids/ you hanging out with a no body! we shouldnt have to put up with this and more so i want to impose the " silent treatment " to him so next time you see him.
he might start telling you a story about " johnny bay" any stuff like that DONT BELIEVE HIM and what a poser dont ya think lying about being an owner its sad really