Hello; I am very pleased and excited to announce that, as of Wine version 0.9.33, Live for Speed S2 V (almost) works on Linux, with a couple of trivial problems.
The only real issue is that unlocking does not work at all, and cracks found on the net don't work either (hey, I have paid the money!). That damn copy protection stuff always hits you when you expect it the least. I would really appreciate some cooperation from the developers here, as the problem is likely related to retrieving some system-specific information, and thus straightforward to fix.
I'll be happy to answer any questions regarding LFS on Linux.
My configuration:
What works
Before the game runs flawlessly, a few settings in the 'Options' -> 'Graphics'
screen have to be changed:
Performance is decent, a rough estimation is 3/4 that of running under Windows. However, starting the game is instantaneous, and track load times are several times faster! Pit enters and exits seem faster as well, but they were never slow to begin with.
What does not work

The only real issue is that unlocking does not work at all, and cracks found on the net don't work either (hey, I have paid the money!). That damn copy protection stuff always hits you when you expect it the least. I would really appreciate some cooperation from the developers here, as the problem is likely related to retrieving some system-specific information, and thus straightforward to fix.
I'll be happy to answer any questions regarding LFS on Linux.
My configuration:
- Cheap ATI Radeon x550, using the proprietary fglrx driver version 8.34.8.
- Gentoo Linux, running on AMD64 native.
- Kernel 2.6.19-gentoo-r6
- wine version 0.9.33.
- X.org version 7.2.
What works
Before the game runs flawlessly, a few settings in the 'Options' -> 'Graphics'
screen have to be changed:
- 'Haze effect' has to be set to 'no'
- 'Shadow type' has to be set to 'off'
- Dropping 'Z-Buffer Depth' from 32 to 24 increased performance significantly on my system.
Performance is decent, a rough estimation is 3/4 that of running under Windows. However, starting the game is instantaneous, and track load times are several times faster! Pit enters and exits seem faster as well, but they were never slow to begin with.
What does not work
- "Unlocking", that is, phoning "home" to the LFS servers and confirming your registration. Attempts result in a vague "Unlocking error" dialog box. (GRRR, darn copy protections always get in the way!)
- Enabling the 'haze effect' results in the track becoming transparent. Cars, skid marks and shadows are still drawn.
- Enabling car shadows results in a big dark box around the car, inside which is a light, smaller bounding box of the car. The shadow drawn into the smaller box looks OK.
- Ending single player games (returning to the menu) sometimes freezes the entire X11 server; possibly related to the proprietary fglrx drivers.
- Sounds have a somewhat annoying 500ms+ delay (even if the "sound lag" option within the game is set to as low as possible), so if you change gears by the rev sound, you will always be a bit late.
- Turbo sounds are almost unaudible on the XRT.
- Some very trivial and obscure graphics glitches. For example, when switching to another window while LFS still visible, the rear-view mirror starts showing weird things.
- Joystick/wheel/other game controllers.
- Registered LFS S1 and S2 cars and tracks.
- Connecting other clients to a Linux LFS server