STCC is a spectator show (feature races), or however it was put - so should the site be - currently it's not really anything.
Make a big deal about it (content + graphics, but no big background images) - you may want to have sponsors presented on the site and more importantly, much more various information on the front page.
The vid could still be there, but preferably as a thumb - it could be a big thumb though
You should:
- Work on navigation. Try to make it easy and painless for the visitor by presenting as much as possible.
A good navigation is one that lets you browse the entire site quickly and with few clicks - main reason why pull downs are bad are because the visitor
have to pull it down before he/she can see whats beneath it. But the worst part is that the visitor reads line 1, line 2.. "oh something interesting in line 3.. lemme click that", but after checking that page out,
have to pull it down again to read line 4 etc.
Of cause, if there are plenty of sub pages, then there is no way around a pull down, but make a tree/branch thingy instead, but don't let it auto collapse.
- Work on the layout - a box with an input field, and then another box that says what to do with first box is confusing - the tekst should be above or below the input field. But the boxes also varies in sizes and have too much margin between them so the pages looks dull (not enough to fill them up). I guess the margin is put in there so background image is more clear? Don't do that.. Design, no matter how good it looks is always secondary. Navigation, readability and content always comes first - in that order.
Add in more stuff, ie. a better working navigation, modules with for instance latest X number topics in forum etc. licence lookup field, news etc. Some things works best (if not only) on front page (like forum topics and news) while others have to be somewhat related to the kind of content the individual pages presents.
- Work on readability - so even if there is lots of info, it's easy to scan through the page and find what the visitor is looking for.
I was on the old site the other day, looking for specific information, but gave up because I wasn't able to do it fast enough (faster than the frustration started to kick in). I'm pretty sure the navigation was a part of this too.
Overall, keep it simple but well thought out (again, navigation and readability). New (and old) site is simple yes, but lacks both.
Ps. don't link to files directly from the navigation :P