graphics and cars and phisics need to step up a notch
im not trying to bag this game, but it is in the genre of simulation, I think its all a bit behind, this game reminds me of the old grand prix games from 1990's
if you want to make it big lfs, you need to step it up a notch, I mean comon crappy graphics really considering what gt4 gtr F1 2005 and other car games have got,
also you need to get some licenenced cars happening, no one cars about a fzr they wanna race a GTR skyline, or a RX7, we want mountain downhill touge driving, and real tracks from around te world
its just gotta come up a notch for especially if u want 80 buks austrailian, ill be very carefull buying S3 I want it to be perfect
Oh dear, I can sense a wave of gas burners heading this way...................
I'm not honestly bothered about racing a Skyline, I'm very fond of LFS unhique vehicles, I think a lot of people would agree with me.
Tough downhill tracks would be nice. I love the Rally Cross racing in LFS. Real tracks from around the world? Well, not bothered as long as the LFS tracks are good, and I think they are good.
Graphics, well again I think LFS compares pretty well with what is on offer commercially at the moment. Remeber, this is S2 Alpha.
if you want to pay more for less content, I guess licensed cars and tracks for LFS will be the way to go
I think LFS's graphics are VERY nice - they might not have fancy fps eating effects like GT4 and the other arcadey games you mentioned, but LFS looks like real life much more than any of the others. Look at rFactor - it might support DX9, but it looks like a 9 year old drew it with brightly coloured crayons...

With regards to Skylines - I never ever want to go in one, let along drive one. I have no desire to strap myself to a motherboard with wheels and let the autopilot go 'fast'. Wheres the fun or the skill in that. They don't even look nice anymore...

Real tracks would be nice, but fake tracks with inspiration from real tracks are just as good. Have you ever driven a F3000 car at the Nurburgring? No? Well it doesn't matter then if you can only drive FO8's at Aston Historic then...

Before you come around bashing LFS trying to tell Scawen and Eric how to do their job you ought to look at LFS properly first, or even THINK about what is required for 3 people (1 programmer, one modeller, and one website/music guy - all equally important) to make what is currently the finest overall racing sim out there (disclaimer: imo )
slow there tristan...GT4 isnt arcarde (GT Fan from the first part )
its maybe not as good simulated as it is in LFS but its still a simulation
to topic: im pretty fine with the tracks & cars...only few more cars would be nice
but beside of that i think LFS is perfect how it is.
Tristan, m8... Relax

Every Sim is going to have the occasional NFS suggestions... Especially one that is as good as LFS. It's useless to try and stop those suggestions because you won't be able to. Just be glad the devs think like you, and probably won't ever even consider things like this.

Do I want better graphics? Yes, as long as it's not going to make it an elite game that only runs on PCs that are less than 2 months old at the time it's released. And I don't want the graphics to be artificially generated because it 'looks good', but I want them to be the way they are in real life (which basically means coloring effects like saturation should be dealt with better).

Do I want NOS, ICE, bodykits? Sure, as long as the most important things (like the actual driving and racing) are completely done. If it ever happens it will make LFS better, until then it already is the very best. I'll just do that stuff to my real life ride. I like that kind of stuff, you don't... No problem, right?

@ TS:
The reason there are almost no real cars and no real tracks is because of licensing... It would become a really expensive sim if they had to pay for real cars or tracks. It's good as it is. The cars behave like the real life cars they are based on, and it leaves room for specific characteristics... So what if there's no skyline? Are you here because you wanna drive a skyline, or because you want to race for every inch with other real people? If it's the first I suggest you move on to other games, if it's the latter, just enjoy yourself, and make a final decision when S3 is released in a couple of years.
(Vendetta) DELETED by Vendetta
#7 - Woz
Quote from seinfeld :im not trying to bag this game, but it is in the genre of simulation, I think its all a bit behind, this game reminds me of the old grand prix games from 1990's
if you want to make it big lfs, you need to step it up a notch, I mean comon crappy graphics really considering what gt4 gtr F1 2005 and other car games have got,
also you need to get some licenenced cars happening, no one cars about a fzr they wanna race a GTR skyline, or a RX7, we want mountain downhill touge driving, and real tracks from around te world
its just gotta come up a notch for especially if u want 80 buks austrailian, ill be very carefull buying S3 I want it to be perfect

The graphics in GT4 while detailed in places are awful. I had a go on GT4 on the ring and the amount of alias issues with the graphics due to the low res of the ps2 makes it shimmer more than a tarmac road on a hot day. Crank the detail/resolution and AA,AF up on LFS and the results are clean, crisp and very effective.

BTW LFS S2 is only $60 in australia with current exchange rate and as most retail games are near the $90-100 mark what is the issue with price?

LFS is about one thing and one thing only... the physics engine. You will find that 99% of people here will trade almost everything else for higher fidelity in the engine given the choice. This includes real cars and tracks.

The cars in LFS offer a wide range of driving speeds and style. What will you really gain over what is already present by adding the likes of the RX7 and Skyline apart from a huge rise in retail price.
LFS graphics are clean and simple. Unlike other games where they just throw as many shitty features on as possible and the game ends up looking cluttered.

Also you said "phisics" need to step up a notch. Yet nowhere in your post do you explain what physics need to be improved.

And if you want real cars and tracks then you fork over the money to the devs to pay for the licences.
#9 - ajp71
Apart from the Papy sims LFS is the only sim that looks right IMO, I don't care for motion blur or super-duper-enviromental-shaddow-reflections shit that GT4 and GTR have in them and I certainly don't want it to look like rFactor which may as well only use 256 colours...
I would personaly hate to see real cars in LFS, all it would do is cause 3,000 13 year olds wanting skylines with big exsausts and spoilers.
A joke again?

What does phisics mean?
Quote from Lible :What does phisics mean?

Was it really that hard to figure out he meant physics?
GT4 is arcade and looks bad, if I remember correctly it has 2D rims, and its a console game so it can cheat because of low resolution of TV. And there is what... 6 opponents on the track at the same time? Well thats racing yeah! I like graphics of LFS, you just need to turn on high quality setup from your graphic card then LFS looks really nice and right. I dont honesty care if other games have fancy effects like motion plur or something, they make fps drop and would make races online pure pain. This game needs to run smooth with 20 cars on track. And "no one cars about a fzr they wanna race a GTR skyline, or a RX7", by cars you mean cares? I do, its a fantastic car and I wouldnt trade it to Skyline and RX7 no way. I like that cars and tracks in LFS arent real, they are more unique.

So basicly I agree with tristancliffe
Oh, sorry, im idiot physics, right.
Quote from seinfeld :im not trying to bag this game, but it is in the genre of simulation, I think its all a bit behind, this game reminds me of the old grand prix games from 1990's
if you want to make it big lfs, you need to step it up a notch, I mean comon crappy graphics really considering what gt4 gtr F1 2005 and other car games have got,

Well there's no denying there's room for improvement in LFS' graphics, but what we have at the moment is certainly, by no means of imagination, "crappy". Yeah, personally I'd love a graphics engine with proper light sources so that headlamps can be used and flashed, indicators are visible like on a real car, and the whole environment can change in light as it gets cloudy or rainy or dusk/evening/dawn. And who wouldn't want glowing brake discs or heat haze shimmering off the cars? But what we have now is pretty damn good, imo. It doesn't have any of the aforementioned effects or neat touches but it is quite detailed, and most of all, realistic looking.

Quote from seinfeld : also you need to get some licenenced cars happening, no one cars about a fzr they wanna race a GTR skyline, or a RX7, we want mountain downhill touge driving, and real tracks from around te world
its just gotta come up a notch for especially if u want 80 buks austrailian

I disagree - I like the fantasy cars. Using real-world cars in a serious race sim never seems quite right to me when (for example) someone driving a Porsche beats a field of Ferraris when you know that never happened in the racing class being modelled. But with the fantasy cars, anything is feasible - and best of all we can have closer races because the cars don't have to have traits and flaws from the real world, they can be designed to be as evenly matched as the devs desire.

The same applies to the tracks. I think some of the tracks in LFS are better (by which I mean better designed and thus more fun to drive and race on) than any of the real-world tracks featured in other simulators. More variety is always a good thing, yes - but it takes quite long enough to master what we have at the moment. Getting an FZR on worn rear tyres consistenly through the dipped chicane at Aston Historic is as much a challenge as you'll find in any real world track, imho.
i think very early on the dev's said something about not wanting licensed cars in the game. i'm guessing they can do without the pressure of car companys thinking their cars should be performing better ingame since they are more concerned about their product then the quality and realism of racing, nfsu couldnt have damage because the car companys didnt want it or so i've heard. i'm confident the dev's havent lost sight of their goal for this game, the support from us followers who share that goal hopefully keeps them from caving in
Quote from STROBE :Getting an FZR on worn rear tyres consistenly through the dipped chicane at Aston Historic is as much a challenge as you'll find in any real world track, imho.

too true - i never get it right in any car
well to answer it would cost more to have licensed cars and tracks, hello, you are paying exactly the same amount as you would for GT4
so what are we talking about here
second i was using skylines as an example, i mean all cars

thirdly, delete the "suggestion box" because the minute somone comes on here to try and add some more detail and try to advance lfs u slander him
thats all i have to say
Quote from seinfeld :thirdly, delete the "suggestion box" because the minute somone comes on here to try and add some more detail and try to advance lfs u slander him

Eh, maybe it has alot to do with being extreme in expressing your suggestions? (see: "reminds me of 1990s gp games" and "crappy graphics")

Some people might take that as more like bashing than suggesting something specific...
Quote from seinfeld :well to answer it would cost more to have licensed cars and tracks, hello, you are paying exactly the same amount as you would for GT4
so what are we talking about here
second i was using skylines as an example, i mean all cars

thirdly, delete the "suggestion box" because the minute somone comes on here to try and add some more detail and try to advance lfs u slander him
thats all i have to say

To get licensed cars the devs would have to write off to their respective owners, and ask for a license, they pay them royalties. This is fine if you're a big company as you can afford the dip in your pocket as the game will sell well to the masses. When you are a small dev team of bed room developers, such costs would be great, and the game would need to go up in price to cover their losses as this game isn't made for the shee... masses ¬_¬

And if you think it's soooo bad. Go make your own game.
Quote from seinfeld :well to answer it would cost more to have licensed cars and tracks, hello, you are paying exactly the same amount as you would for GT4
so what are we talking about here

Ah, but Sony paid for the rights to all cars (and allowed/told Digital Polypony to use them), and GT4 is a mass-market title designed to make money.

LFS is a small 'company', without the means to buy licences, making a more niche car title.

Besides, GT4 isn't allowed damage because the car companies involved say they don't want their cars to be seen damaged... hmmmm, very sim...
Quote from tristancliffe :Besides, GT4 isn't allowed damage because the car companies involved say they don't want their cars to be seen damaged... hmmmm, very sim...

Same with so many games. To show their cars getting damaged would make people think the cars will break if you get them in a crash :O and that's bad for sales!!11oneone
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Same with so many games. To show their cars getting damaged would make people think the cars will break if you get them in a crash :O and that's bad for sales!!11oneone

Yeah, I guess car companies want even more money for licenses wich allows the game have breakable cars. Even EA or Sony can't afford that
As an old slotacer I know that it is not really important which car you drive, mostly it's the thrill you get by tough competition in a race, so you have to equalize the starting conditions. I think the devs did a damn great job creating these fine vehicles. In the gtr class e.g. you can chose from 3 different types of cars and every one of them has pros and contras.

Also the more cars there are in a game, the more players will split... so we'll have about 1000 servers running 50 different cars on 50 different tracks, and there will only be 2 people per server... not a very nice game anymore, reminds me of my old 1nsane days.

Last but not least I hate modern ricers with pool tables as rear wings and their faces full of cheap plastic! NOS and stuff like this had been invented by cheaters and even carbon fibre can be painted DAMMIT
No really, if you want to drive these cars and have graphics that make you puke at 200mph you better stick to nfs:u or ridge ricer
Quote from der butz :reminds me of my old 1nsane days.

oOo, you used to play 1nsane too. Ever a member of IH or IG? If so who was you?

And 1nsane after all the mods, was more of a private game, as the default maps just didn't stand upto some of the custom jobs. Right now I know people still making content for 1nsane, and pushing it towards the edge of it's limits.

I would show you a screenshot of one of the maps in development, but I can't find any on my HDD

But it looks nothing like what it did.