Live for Stats goes open source
(4 posts, started )
Live for Stats goes open source
Hi, I said it some time before. Live for Stats is now open source. You can download it from sourceforge (Link to Live for Stats Project).
Until now the feedback to it wasn´t good, maybe because of too many other programs .
But especially with the long run support it is very interesting. Enough of that, if someone is interested to work with everyone is welcome. Next I plan to implement the insim changes from V3 and then I want to see a tracker system to make best use of the long run support.

The source code is mostly well commented and in english language. Its my first so big project so I don´t know how good the code and structure is
Most things are implemented with classes (OOP)

Hope it helps and for some comments if you want to work with , want to use parts of it or have critism/ a bug

EDIT: Link to the thread about the binary
I don't know what to say! ... Thank you! You've added so much to the community, SimFIA would not be the same with out this tool.

Live for Stats goes open source
(4 posts, started )