OK, I think this makes sense. While in your copy the wing angles are static, the level at which their force is applied, relative to the centre of gravity (CoG) height, is not. The force on the tyres, due to downforce, comes from two effects. First, the downward force generated by the wing, pushing on the tyres. Secondly, the drag created by the aero device, when not at the same height as the CoG, transfers force between the front and rear wheels. Thus the total amount of downforce did not change with pitch (the relative vertical force figure is constant between those images), but the heights do as the vehicle pitches, hence this weight transfer can be altered. That is the effect which you are seeing there.
This also applies slightly with roll for cars with a non-central left/right CoG position, as roll alters the height of the CoG, but not of any of the aero components, thus this drag induced weight transfer changes.
Anyway, it just so happens I'm happy to release another update (nearly a month since the last, didn't realise it would take so long).
So, go download it!
- link removed, please see first post
Updates since the last preview version:
* Fixed bugs to do with springs inside the acceleration/deceleration loops
* Added dynamic wing angles (with body pitch, from both springs and tyres)
* Reworked all the graphs, now lots of shared code, should look a toucher neater too (some graph types have changed more than others)
* Added resizeable graph window which can display any graph from the program (balance diagrams excluded) and updates live, press Ctrl G or use the menus
* Add real time acceleration viewer, still more work planned for this later but you should get the idea, accessible from the acceleration tab
* Added analysis of dampers, springs no longer instantly deform during the acceleration run, actually oscilate now (until dampers stop the movement)
* Other small changes dotted all around
Other requests people have been made are noted but I'm still concentrating on finishing off the main content first.
The manual is coming along but not anywhere complete enough to be worth releasing at this time (although it's already 20+ pages)
Go play.