How long will you play LFS?
(45 posts, started )
How long will you play LFS?
As title says:
How long will you play LFS?

-Since I started whit LFS (2 years ago) I don't play anything else. And most of my internet things are about LFS. LFS has becomed my hobby! Almost all my free time is for LFS. I just can't get bored whit it . When it starts to boring me I find something new, and so on...

-So I'm asking myself when is this going to stop. By my opinion now I think I'll never stop . As long as there is something new I think I'll be here .

-I'm 18 now and I can't imagine myself in 20 years. I'm playing LFS S10? What you think, post your point of view

Edit: I'm in school now, you can expect my new post at 9 PM +1 GMT time
I've been playing 3+ years, and if it not for running a league, I probably would have slowed a lot. Now, when new patches and content come out, I find my interest level re-ignited, so yeah, I think I will be playing for a while. I would expect my interest level in LFS would remain high enough to at least see the sim develop through S3.
Till I die. Or LFS dies. Whichever happens first.
I will play LFS so long it is possible
#5 - Zero7
How about until something better comes along...?

Hard to believe at the moment though I must admit (although personally I've just got GTL at a budget price and quite enjoying it actually).

Still, LFS is my main pastime when I can.

/edit - although I'm not comparing them, just trying another racing title (probably do the same when GTR2 is bargain basement!!).
Depends if another sim I like better comes along. I could see myself preferring netKar-Pro if the overall quality of the release wasn't such a bag of shit.
Untill something better comes along, simple as

4 years + and counting..............

edit: you WILL get bored of it at some point, I get "sim burnout" every now and then
I've not had my S2 license all that long, but I did play the demo for a long time before that while I was saving the cash. I'll continue to play as long as it's the sim I get on best with.
I've tried GTR/GTR2/nKp etc and I don't get the feeling of being in control as much as I do with LFS. I might try and grab a cheap copy of GTL if I see it though.
#9 - herki
I may not be obsessed with LFS as other people here, but I won't move on just because LFS is outdated. The hell - I recently started up NetHack again (just to fail at it as usual), so it's probably "as long as it's fun". Which it will still be a loooong time
When something comes along that exceeds the level of imersion, reality and ease of accessability I will continue to call LFS my home for racing simulation. There are a few titles that seem poised to take its place but that are no where near along their development cycle as LFS. I do not see somthing taking LFS's place for quite some time.

I have been here nearly since the begining and will be here to see the end.
I started to play the demo when I joined this forum. Played the demo for a pretty long time before I bought a licence. Much of my spare time goes to LFS, so I guess I will not stop playing LFS until it's at least finished.
I guess iRacing will be the next test. Nkpro has too many bugs and uninteresting car selection (imho) and ISI stuff is just ISI stuff. Next patch for LFS will be interesting as well. Personally I see the next LFS patch as some kind of priority test, what is left out and what is in.

Todd's kartsim doesn't really interest me, karts being the reason. Driver's republic has a lot to prove before it is a real sim. Didn't like RBR so special either, even if it has trillions of equations for the heat model of the turbo blades. To be honest I don't see anything "big" happening in 2007

EDIT: the glass is always half empty and the water poisonous.
Quote from Hyperactive :Personally I see the next LFS patch as some kind of priority test, what is left out and what is in.

Well, Scawen has already announced that the next patch and the patch after that won't include most of the highly-wished-for improvements/additions.
iRacing has alot of potential. nKPro has some potential but I think its gona take a long time to reatch it, if it ever does.

Drivers Republic is the one that has me the most excited, but I do not see it getting close for a few years yet. Personaly I like that the designer was first an engineer and second a sim designer. Its also going to be less of a racing sim and more of an engineering tool to design and test cars and tracks. I do not think it will ever reatch the level of accessability and fun that LFS has though.
Ive played for over a year now and i play when i can, which isn't always. There are a few reasons why lfs is so appealing
-It looks fantastic
-Plays well (online)
-Good community
-Usually good racing
-Realistic physics, etc.

So until another sim comes along that can equal or beat lfs then i will still play lfs and maybe still would play lfs then.
Hey i have been playing this for about 3 weeks now and i am allready an addict, so im sure i will be on it for a very long time ( most of all my spare time is on this!!! )
I'm not rich. Anything that comes out in the future, as with what has come out in the past during LFS developement, is bound to be more computer performance intensive than LFS is. LFS is the only thing I've found that I can run post-Nascar 2003, therefore I highly doubt I'll be moving along to something bigger and better just because it is bigger and better. As I said, I'm not rich. I have much higher priorities so I have to stick with what works well on dialup, AMD 3500, and onboard ATI graphics chip.

LFS for the win for being so simple and easy on the PC to play for us who do not have the means for spending thousands on a gaming machine.
I now play LFS for about... wait... one year and a half altogether, and I am still totally impressed about it and cant imagine playing anything else. sounds pathetic, but its like that. And I think if nothing will go terribly wrong I will be one of the last men standing until the master server will finally and ultimately be shut down. I really love this sim, and it hurts me every time when I see a new flamer coming up on the forums, because I simply _know_ Scawen, Victor and Eric simply do not deserve the treatment they experience by some individuals on these forums.

Greetings, Stalker
#19 - axus
If it still exists? You'll be lucky if it's finished by then
#21 - JTbo
Quote from AndroidXP :Till I die. Or LFS dies. Whichever happens first.

Can LFS die?

I just did drove SCGT, GLP is still going quite strong, I think that LFS can't die.

I surely will play LFS as long as cars do fancy me, specially if I can make my own car into it and local track so I could do some winter testing too
I think iRacing, Driver's Republic and netKar-Pro all look like they could compete with LFS given time. And given the pace of LFS development lately, I wouldn't be surprised if they do catch up relatively quickly.

And yes I know lots of stuff has been worked on in LFS in the last year or so, I've downloaded the test patches, I've read the lists of changes, but aside from the modified physics last June and improved sound engine in December we haven't seen anything else that really pushes the sim forward.
I've played LFS for about 4 1/2 years now and I hope to be able to enjoy it for some decades.
#24 - JTbo
Quote from thisnameistaken :I think iRacing, Driver's Republic and netKar-Pro all look like they could compete with LFS given time. And given the pace of LFS development lately, I wouldn't be surprised if they do catch up relatively quickly.

And yes I know lots of stuff has been worked on in LFS in the last year or so, I've downloaded the test patches, I've read the lists of changes, but aside from the modified physics last June and improved sound engine in December we haven't seen anything else that really pushes the sim forward.

Netkar Pro has been not much more faster in updates, don't know which one gets more work done on background, but I think most of stuff are done there.

It is quite time since I have seen/heard anything new from iRacing either, which seem to be using at least part of Nascar racing 2003 engine.

DR seem to be completely stalled, last time I checked RSC forum there were threads asking what is going on why nothing is heard and there were no answers.

Something new can come up before something new comes up in LFS but I wouldn't say it would be any different speed actually, sure they can perhaps make some competition, but wouldn't say LFS underdog, because of slow updates.

Todd's sim could be interesting challenger from side, but of course takes lot of time to complete such project, actually don't see those others offering much of competition as those are so different, but Todd's sim might do but it can also be again bit different concept, don't know quite his plans.
Quote from thisnameistaken :(Regarding your post, but not directed at you)

Depends how you define "catching up" and what your priorities in a sim are. It's not like Scawen sat around doing nothing the last year, he just didn't implement any revolutionary stuff, if you can say so. If a competitor concentrates on one core aspect, sure they can catch up or surpass LFS. The result from concentrating on one part and neglecting the others can be seen at nKP for example. I just don't see any sim out there that is close to being as complete and multifaceted as LFS is right now.

Content and core updates to LFS will come, but they will come at the developers pace, and if someone's attention span is too short lived, then bloody hell that person has to look for an alternative or suck it up. Yes, seeing that potential and having to wait is tough, but the constant whining going on here is ten times more annoying. Make that twenty times if your name is Scawen and you're a developer of a racing simulator.

I think some people here just play too much LFS. If it starts to get boring, then simply do something else for a while. Constantly racing LFS will just make you forget all the good things and pronounce the little issues more and more the longer you play, until you only see the bad things as huge gaping holes in your beloved sim. Keeping your distance is important to maintain a healthy relationship, just as quitting LFS for a while will help you appreciate it for what it is, instead of being frustrated about what it could be.

How long will you play LFS?
(45 posts, started )